I want to be a geekster!!!!!!!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Jim, Matt, Cindi, Kathy, Miguel, Aldo, Wilfredo, Efrain, Chi-Chi, Nacho, Rosalita, Andres, Nacho, Rigo, Alfredo and the rest of the crew on Jim, Sally, and Matt In The Morning on Channel 8. Yes I want to be a geekster too!

-- Jiminy Crickets (by@golly.gosh), November 29, 2000


I hear that the Geeksters might be on the verge of signing a major contract for nationwide distribution over a cable channel. Imagine everyone in the country being able to watch Jim, Sally, and Matt!

-- bringiton (bring@it.on), May 29, 2001.

They stink.

-- kooky ol ken (kok@kook.ville), May 31, 2001.

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