Good Encoding Tips for VCD'ers : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi All, Just some things i have noticed about my fave mpeg1 encoder TMpegEnc, I capture using ATIVCR2 codec which uses a compression ratio of 18:1, so my AVI's are just under 2gb for around 60-70 mins worth of film, which i always capture from PAL vhs. Overall, the video quality of the AVI's is quite good, it is slightly inferior to the vhs cassette, but acceptable nonetheless.

Heres a breakdown of the video 'appearance'...... Colours - no washing or fading (sounds like a washing powder ad!) Blockiness - next to zero even in high motion scenes Graininess - minimal Motion - smooth Pixellation - again, next to none Contrast and Brightness - slightly darker (maybe 10%) than vhs

After hours and hours of encoding and re-encoding using different settings i started with the basic settings in TMpegEnc, and here they are...... Motion search accuracy - normal Basic Colour Correction - Increase Red, Blue and Contrast by '20' Crop frames by 4 lines at bottom Soften Block Noise by '35' IntraMatrix setting - 'Default'

It takes 8 hours to encode a 2 hour film, which isnt bad, and the associated video problems have been halved.

I was trying 'Custom Colour Correction' which seemed to help even further but i dont understand the terminology such as YUv Chroma etc.

I hope this helps anyone struggling for a speedy, almost clean encode for their vcd's (which is still a valid format - I saw earlier post)

Ta for reading,

Andy the ATI Man!

ps. Anyone know when the next release of TMpegEnc is going to be? THX

-- andy (, November 29, 2000


Thank you for the tips! I don't know of when the next release will be but I have been watching their website!

-- Billy boy boy boy (, December 01, 2000.

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