Okay I am very confused? can SOMEBODY fill me in?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Can somebody provide a run down of what happened in the last two weeks? I'm way behind!

-- Super Polly (Fu_Q_Y2kfreaks@hotmail.com), November 29, 2000


Blow me you troll piece of cunt-spew.

-- no one here (-@-.-), November 29, 2000.

There was a US presidential election.

Bush was declared the winner, Gore disputed it.

Bush was declared the winner, Gore disputed it.

Bush was declared the winner, Gore disputed it.

Bush was declared the winner, Gore disputed it.

Bush was declared the winner, Gore disputed it.

-- Chronologer of events (@ .), November 29, 2000.


Bush LOST, Gore disputed.

FWIW, see the other thread entitled .... What happened?

Oh and yer welcome. :-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.


If you continue to talk that way in front of the ladies you will never, ever get laid.

Nevermind, I forgot it's the boys you're after, not the ladies......my mistake!!


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), November 29, 2000.


-- the (answer@you.seek), November 29, 2000.



-- Not now, not like this (AgentSmith0110@aol.com), November 29, 2000.

Andy Ray still bent out of shape over y2k

Diane Squire accused of being a paid PR person for OTFR

'Ghost' and cpr tacitly condone the spread of personal info

-- Another answer (to@your.question), November 29, 2000.

another answer:

you forget that Chris editted the link out on one of those threads. it used to lead to indiana.edu

OTFR always was a bleeding heart for nazi sysops, looks like unk and krit are too.

I guess the "Wild" west ain't so wild, huh unk?

-- why are you (censoring@things.already?), November 30, 2000.

Its ONLY as WILD as WE make it.

Passes the asshole a 5 pack and replies "now take a hike" and dont 4get your damn diapers.!!!!!

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), November 30, 2000.

This DJS stuff is really old, so old that it's UNCOOL. Time for new characters and situations. Reflect, repent, and reboot!

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 30, 2000.


Tell that to the censoring BITCH, kbum!

-- (blah@blah.blah), December 03, 2000.

Your shit is all over the place and I have not deleted one fucking thing you asshole. If you have problems with Diane take those problems up with her, but don't whine to me that I am censoring you.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), December 03, 2000.

One other thing, kritter is no longer a key holder here. Leave her out of it.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), December 03, 2000.

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