What happened?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I addressed this on one thread, but I really would like a lowdown. Why did the old place close up? I wasnt hanging around alot, just posted here from work. Can someone fill me in?

Thanks. And huge thanks to Unc for taking on this new adventure and Kritt for the HTML helps.

I sure hope this place doesnt up and close down WHEN it reaches #1.

Still shaking head in disbelief.


-- sumer (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000


'Sumer, here is the condensed version: as I understand it, OTFR has been getting tired of the forum for a long time. Then, when Andy Ray (or his troll) returned last weekend and started making trouble, OTFR decided enough was enough and pulled the plug. Unk was generous enough to take us on.

Read OTFR's last post (top of the old board) when you have a chance.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.


Pull up a chair hon,what ya havin'? bloodymary's this mornin? or how bout a little Bailey's with your coffee?

Moving is allways such a chore ; )

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 29, 2000.

sheeeetttt!!!!!!!!!!!! Slowly sits down and squeezes in next to Capn and K. Whispers to Cap "sheesh I had an absolute bloody mary on Sat nite and DAMN it was good, I'll have that".

I'm a lil tuckered out, ya know?

I did read OTFR response, but still cant believe the Forum was #1 and OTFR opted to have it removed. Unbelieveable.

Who really was OTFR? and who REALLY got it shut down?

-- asumer (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.

'Sumer, your guess is as good as mine, as I'm no insider. OTFR's explaination sounded reasonable to me: I moderated a newsgroup about three years ago, and I grew absolutely sick of that in less than a month. It was a ham radio group with too much infighting. I'm sure shedding TB is probably a real load off OTFR's mind. He/She has already deleted his/her yahoo acc't. I sent email earlier to request that s/he post a link on the board, but the mail bounced, so I asked Meemur over at EZ to put a link up for at least a day, and I'm emailing as many of the lurkers as I know: Big Mouth, etc.

Hey, I want some potato soup and homemade bread with my imported beer!

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

I think the change will be beneficial in the long run,surely we knew it was gonna happen someday with all the leftover y2_ BS floatin' around and people still ankle biting over old squawbles.Whatever the reason it's done and over with now.But hey! I do like my new neighbors and the house and tiki bar are real cozy,I can even see the beach from my stool.

Kb8,I think the kitchen is still under construction but theres plenty of brew : )

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 29, 2000.

kb8, OTFR's yahoo email still works. You might have not typed it in full, it's

I saw that OTFR did put up a link to here, in the About section and in the first post on the "I'm closing this forum" thread, as a late entry.

That's how I got here :-)

-- (smarty@wannabe.one), November 29, 2000.

Cool! Well, I never did claim to be an accurate typist or spelling master. Welcome to the new place. I'm glad the links are up. Time to settle back and start on my second beer.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

2nd beer? Damn dude, keep up....passes another beer. While leaning over bar to whisper in Uncs ear...."pass me another absolute bloody mary, please?" *hiccup.* looks around for the REST OF THE GANG?

WHERE R THEY????????????????

Settles bak on stool, and waits, while tapping foot ever so slowly.

-- sumer (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.

Hey, 'Sumer, some folks have to work, ya know. They'll be here later. Now, I've got to leave my virtual seat and go consume some crackers and ginger ale. In the real world, I'm home with the flu. How long is this junk supposed to last? It came on last night.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

K: IT depends....IF it is the per se "puke flu" approximately 24 hrs.

IF it is the 'coughing sneezing, stuffy head, refuse to rest and feel as IF your dead', Well, I just dont know. My son had that version for 5 days so did a woman here in the office. Bad news, BOTH had to get antibotics. Sore throats, headaches and fever as well.

Feel better, get plenty of rest. Passes K the Brandy IF its the cold flu.

Passes the Valium IF its the puke flu, so you can sleep :0

-- sumer (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.

It's some of both. But the ginger ale and crackers are helping. I'm glad I'm not out driving in the snow and freezing rain. Columbus is right on the boundry of the storm that's dumping the 1-3 inches on your area. The roads are already slushy, and the temps are hovering around freezing.

But back to this wonderful virtual bar. Are you going to be a part of the floor show, 'sumer? Will you wear a red boa and show off your ---

oooooeeeeeee! What AM I drinking? Forgive me, good lady. Don't know what came over me...

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

Its a dragon --- a BEARDED Dragon.

And a KITTY. yeah yeah thats the ticket.

Turns head to the side to avoid the 'flu' while sucking down a bloody mary.

Absolute of course.

PS....snow is HERE as well, it is cold wet and SRAINY....snow/rain combo = SRAIN.... hmmm, made that up myself. *hicup*

Feell better.? :-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.

I'm reminded of this old line: everyone needs something to believe in.

I believe I'll have another beer.

When is the kitchen going to be finished? I have a real hankering for some potato soup.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

Where's the jutebox?...Oh, here it is...heh!

Somebody get me a Mich Light, please?

-- Peg (pegmc@media.net), November 29, 2000.


As a young child, my mom used to make potato soup & egg noodles for me when I was sick. Later on, when she went to work, I opted for potato chips; cottage cheese & 7 Up. Is that gross or what!

-- flora (***@__._), November 29, 2000.

No, Flora, that combination sounds good to me right now. Potato chips are salty, and I probably need salt. Cottage Cheese is easy to digest, and 7-Up is the drink of choice for many with upset stomachs. We're in Vernor's country, so I was given ginger ale for the flu when I was little.

But on with the floor show! Doesn't anyone know any magic tricks?

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

I can make a 12 pak and a bottle of vino dissapear ; )

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 29, 2000.

LOL, Capnfun!

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

Just imagine cottage cheese and potato chips on their way back up. ew

-- cin (cin@=0.)), November 29, 2000.


I would like to make *that* image definetly dissapear!

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 29, 2000.

Easy now, its EASIER than a stinking hairball, right EVE?

Big evil grin :-))))))))))

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), November 30, 2000.

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