The FACTS of Undervotes : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Right. Exactly. And in every contested election in every county that ever had an election with these type of machines the undervotes were counted-usually by a judge.

-- SydBarrett (dark@side.moon), November 29, 2000.

FACT: ~ Every ballot in Miami-Dade was counted at least twice - once on election night and again during the automatic recount.

~ In every election, there are a significant number of ballots that are cast by voters without choosing a candidate in every race on the ballot, including races for President.

~ For example, in this election, 5% of the voters in Idaho, 3.9% of the voters in Illinois and 3.6% of the voters in Wyoming cast a ballot without registering a vote for President.

~ The 10,000 votes (actually 9,000 according to their filing) about which the Gore campaign has been complaining constitute only 1.6% of the ballots cast in Miami-Dade. These ballots were counted - twice; they merely registered no vote for President.

~ This reality reflects common sense: a voter may want to vote for a candidate for the Senate, House or other office, but be undecided about the choice for President. In particular, a voter who usually votes for candidates from one party may vote for local or statewide candidates, but be uncomfortable with his or her party's choice for President and yet unwilling to vote for the other party's candidate. So he or she might cast a ballot without marking a choice for President.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 29, 2000


Yep. Here in Cuyahoga County (that's in Ohio for those of you in Miami-Dade) there were 15,000 undervotes for president. FIFTEEN THOUSAND ........ and do you hear Taxin Tim Hagan yelling?? nope. Do you hear Stephany Tubbs-Jones yelling?? nope. Gee mr Gore, howcome you aren't mining Cuyahoga County fer more votes????

And while yer at it, if every vote must be counted why not count a few .mil ballots. That is, if you really believe EVERY VOTE must be counted.

Night train

-- night train (nighttr@in.lane), November 30, 2000.

What's different in Florida from Ohio is that in Florida, there is a less than 15,000 vote difference between Bush and Gore--in fact, a difference of less than a thousand votes.

Being that the vote is so close in Florida, it's been my opinion there should be a manual recount of the entire State of Florida. A manual recount will always be able to catch a few extra votes that a machine will miss. A statewide manual recount is the only way I can see for whoever wins Florida to have national legitimacy.

Being a realist, however, I know that a manual recount of the entire State of Florida is never going to happen.

-- (recount@em.all), November 30, 2000.

Being that the vote is so close in Florida, it's been my opinion there should be a manual recount of the entire State of Florida.

Hey, Gore offered to manually recount the entire State but Bush said "No-o-o-o-o!" Too afraid of the truth, I guess.

-- Bush (, November 30, 2000.

Gore offered to manually recount the entire State but Bush said "No-o-o-o-o!" Too afraid of the truth, I guess.

1) Gore is not a member of any office in Flordia. He cannot offer to recount the whole state. That "offer" must come from the election boards in Florida.

2) Gore "offered" this to Bush after the deadline had passed. He was offering for Bush to break the law, law set by the Florida legislature.

3) Bush won the state! Why would the winner ask for a recount? Only losers ask for a recount to try to verifiy the lose or in Gore's case to try to cast more votes.

4) Gore got the recount in the counties that he requested. Even if these recounts had been accepted, it isn't enough to reverse the certification by Harris.

-- Maria (, November 30, 2000.

I think "baby" should put the shoe on the other foot. A little perspective can go a long way.

Hey, baby, let's say you and I are running, and when the results come in, you win. Congratulations. Are you interested in a recount, just to make sure? No? Imagine that.

But let's say there's a recount anyway, and you win that one too. Are you interested in *another* recount, just to be fair? No? Imagine that! Let's say I request a recount only where it's most likely to help ME, by rules designed to help ME. Are you interested? No? Why not? Scared? Are you starting to suspect that I'm trying to steal this election?

Now, let's say I can't get my special recount done in time. So I go to the state supreme court, consisting of seven judges ALL from my party and not one from yours, and these judges decide that when the legislature said one week, they *really meant* THREE weeks. Do you like this decision? No? Imagine that!

Now, let's say the additional two weeks go by, and the extra votes I got aren't enough, so you STILL win. Are you interested in *yet another* count of the entire state, just to be fair? No? Imagine that! What's the matter, don't you want to know "the truth"? BWAHAHAHAHA!

-- Flint (, November 30, 2000.

The above statement finishes it......FLINT 4 PRES.

Bush AND Gore need to concede and move over cuz Flint is Rover.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 01, 2000.

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