You guys are fickle : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Ok, so you prefer Unk to me. I've always thought he has too much hair in his ears but what the heck...
I'm going back to the photography forums so I'll see ya later!
-- (Netsc@pe6.0), November 29, 2000
wait please, come back, I'll spring for the Propecia!!!We'll get you hair, I PROMISE.
-- sumer (, November 29, 2000.
How about an art photo of hairy ears?
-- Lars (, November 29, 2000.
Lars: Great Idea.....Now Net, Come BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grabs feverishly at his shirttail.
-- sumer (, November 29, 2000.
Did someone say "hairy ears"?/?/?
-- Peg (, November 29, 2000.
-- flora (***@__._), November 29, 2000.
-- What a nightmare! (HairyEars@up.close), November 29, 2000.
What's wrong with hairy ears?Ear hair is a natural defense against flying insects which seek warm holes in which to lay their eggs.
Ever notice that Gore has no hair on his ears and has been acting quite strange lately?
Can you say, "Hatchlings"?
-- dinosaur (, November 29, 2000.