We're Gonna Need Some Libsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
So far we're missing a vital element. Without some libs this place will fade quickly into a clubby boy thing.I'll start,
Ralphs had a sale on purple verbenias. I bought three.
Al Gore has a nice nose.
Dems make good lays. Honest.
Fla Supremes Uber Alles. (wait, that sounded bad.)
I like the Supremes. Specially Diana
There's more but I can't think of it.
Contribute please. We need some libs around here.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), November 29, 2000
Gary North is an extremely attractive man.Oh I'm sorry, I thought you said we need some fibs around here. Never mind.
-- butt nugget (catsbutt@umailme.com), November 29, 2000.
Hey, we have too many "Liberals" in Canada. Can we ship some of them down your way?JC
-- Johnny Canuck (j_canuck@hotmail.com), November 29, 2000.
Why don't you invite Sheri Naken over? She's been getting savaged badly on the other board. Sure she's a nut, but I feel sorry for anyone who is attacked so viciously. Anyway, she's a liberal.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), November 30, 2000.
hey, I'm happy to busilly disagree with whatever consensus this place cooks up, 'specially if it's from a bunch of tunnel-visioned, besuiticled, newsreader-hairdo'd republicans! - Seeing as how La-dee- Dee-dah is in charge, I'm here. But honestly, I couldn't give a rodent's rectum about the Demoblicans, they're two puppets on the one string, AFAIC.Al's nose is not as noteworthy as Hoover/Clinton's with the melted septum, Supremes were fine but they were no Funkadelic, & any mention of "Ralph" reminds me of Wiggum eating glue, not Vader re-arranging deckchairs.
-- number six (iam_not_a_number@hotmail.com), November 30, 2000.