Odd Spot - continued WWW whackieness...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Wednesday 29 November
Revelations that up to 20 per cent of Spain's fighting bulls are drugged before they enter the ring have shocked bullfighting purists and Spain's beef eating community. One in five bulls tested positive to anti-inflammatory drugs.

Tuesday 28 November
A pigeon that got lost on the way home arrived seven years after being released. British fancier Jim Smith, 58, lost all hope of ever seeing Bluey again when he failed to complete a race from Nottingham in 1993. Bluey has been retired from racing.

Monday 27 November
A two-year-old in Winsford, Cheshire, England, has been dubbed the X-Files Boy because he sets off store alarms normally triggered by merchandise tags. Scientists believe his tiny frame generates a powerful electric force-field.

Sunday 26 November
Doris, a disabled tortoise, is able to get around again thanks to an innovative British vet. He superglued toy wheels from a Lego set to her shell to compensate, for her back legs.

Saturday 25 November
A British hotel is offering a Christmas break for Scrooges. For $165 a night, they will be offering soup and a sandwich for Christmas dinner and a video recorder so they can watch films without a Christmas flavor.

Friday 24 November
Allahabad junk collector Rajendra Kumar Tiwari has earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records by dancing with four lit candles in his enormous moustache. He twirls the mo to the beat of Indian music without moving a muscle in the rest of his body.

Thursday 23 November
City officials in Denver, Colorado, want to move a herd of bison on to the grassy plains near the city's international airport to give travellers a taste of the American west. If the proposal goes ahead, it will take two years and $A5.8 million to complete.

Wednesday 22 November
Norway's coastline recently grew by about 25,744 kilometres when map-makers conceded a 45 per cent error in their old calculations. An engineer said a new computer program was able to more accurately measure thousands of tiny inlets and islands.

Tuesday 21 November
A Chinese woman has given birth to twins - five days after having a baby girl. The 29-year-old mother gave birth on November 9. Two days later she felt movement in her stomach and went to the hospital for a check-up. Doctors found she was carrying twins.

Monday 20 November
Colombians see themselves as the world's happiest nation, an Internet survey of 400,000 people around the world has found. Russians scored as the world's fifth-happiest, despite hardship and political turmoil. Brazilians were among the most miserable.


Posted this 'Odd Spot' contribution in support of the WWW whackieness. Will try to be more excessive in future.

Regards from Down Under

-- Pieter (zaadz@icisp.net.au), November 28, 2000


Revelations that up to 20 per cent of Spain's fighting bulls are drugged before they enter the ring have shocked bullfighting purists and Spain's beef eating community. One in five bulls tested positive to anti-inflammatory drugs.

Someone must alert the King of Spain to this outrage! Does anyone know where to find His Majesty?

-- The First Anonymous Poster (Now we're@really.home), November 29, 2000.

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