greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Hello fellow refugees.

Welcome to the Wild West. The laws are as loose as those imposed by Judge Roy Bean. In order to keep your neck out of the noose do not do any of the following:




Understood? Good. Have at it. And thanks for your support.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), November 28, 2000


I'm in Unk.

-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 28, 2000.

Now these are my kind of rules. I especially like #3, you should probably list it first.

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), November 28, 2000.

#2 is pretty cool, too.

-- (raven@never.more), November 28, 2000.

Hi, Uncle Deedah.

Is it OK if I do #2 when nobody's looking?

I've been doing it that way for years...

-- dinosaur (dinosaur@williams-net.com), November 28, 2000.

I Have Spoken:

I told FutureShock not to show up since you are here, okay?

Good luck, Unk.

-- SydBarrett (dark@side.moon), November 28, 2000.

LOL dinosaur!

-- cin (cin@=0.)), November 28, 2000.

I think we need to ammend #1. That kind of behavior would be acceptable in Kentucky given that no minors were present.

-- butt nugget (catsbutt@umailme.com), November 28, 2000.

Jolly good show chaps. Brightening up already. I suffer from chronic introspection for at least 5 seconds daily at breakfast time, and early today I was stumped-n-bushwhacked, sort-of gob-smacked and out of it. Feelings improving now. Hope this WWW place is past the election freakie stuff...OZ is bored by it all - which explains the lurk mode while you mob sort it out, if ever that be possible.

Regardz from OZ Down Under...

-- Pieter (zaadz@icisp.net.au), November 28, 2000.

Uncle Deedah, I have been with you from the beginning, and onward and forward to the new beginning.

-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBB.xcom), November 28, 2000.

Well, it's dark and smokey. The furniture is kinda ratty. My jiggle juice is warm and has crumbs floating in the jar, and the juke box is stuck on Miss Norma Jean singing "I wouldn't buy a used car from him".

Just my kind a' dive. Nice job, Unk!


-- Lon Frank (lgal@exp.net), November 29, 2000.

Unk, my fellow refugee!

How could you go wrong startin' this place up? Ya got a winner here bud. Keep the light on for us, won'tcha? Thanks for allowing us this space to continue our fellowship/grumpship/friendship. BTW, excellent rules of engagement!!

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), November 29, 2000.

Unk -

Just for the benefit of your international posters, may I add another rule that applies just for them:




-- Johnny Canuck (j_canuck@hotmail.com), November 29, 2000.

Many Thanks Unk,

I have also started a new forum at G lobal Warming, and although I initially intended that it be a bit more specific than this site, everyone who has ever posted at TBY2K or the Spinnoff is also most welcome at anytime.

Count me in as a regular here.

-- Malcolm Taylor (taylorm@es.co.nz), November 29, 2000.

Hey Unk!!!!!!!

Thanks for the place to hang moi's hat,my day was taken aback too when I checked in just before heading out into the great big world o wine(2 hrs late),though not nearly as much of a bummer as yours it was met with the same epitaph(sp?) "FUCK!!!"

I knew when I saw the light on,the saloon was open and Christmas was early.Thanks chief.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 29, 2000.

Echo's Capn sentiments LOUDLY!!!

Hey unc: You da SHIT.

Thanks Guy and sheesh this moving around so much is tough on the old memory.

Re: Rule #1, IF I chose to break just one, can I still play ? *sigh*

-- (shhhh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.

Howzitgoin', Unk? Thanks for buyin' the bar.

Hey...I heard some companies recently merged, and they're tryin' out new drinks. So, do ya think there's anything like, say, Orville Redenbacher's Butter-Flavored Vodka around? (The shot of Dr. Scholl's Medicated Tequila I had last week really did help soothe my feet. Amazing; no need for messin' around with those pads anymore.)

If not, then just a Shirley Temple. But leave out the curls...I don't wanna get a hairball.

-- eve (eve_rebekah@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

here ya go eve:

passes the hairball remedy a double vodka martini EXPRESSO!!!

zippy do da drunk.

-- sumer (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.

Uncle Deedah, thanks for taking over as "the new Sheriff in town"! Love the new forum name, nice to finally get rid of TB2000. I think I can abide by your laws. q:o)

-- Seeker (searching@low.and.high), November 29, 2000.

Thanks, 'sumer...ahhh...I needed that.

I mean, you know how it is...it's a little embarrassing when you're on a first date with a nice guy, you've just had your drinks, he looks into your eyes, asks you how you're doing, and you just stare at him, unable to answer, turn beet red and cough up a hairball.

-- eve (eve_rebekah@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.


Yea,that would just about end the dating ritual for moi,you would need to make *sure* they are cat lovers 1st ; )

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 29, 2000.

Ah now Capn, ALL men love kitties :-)



-- sumer - sez me (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.


That reminds me of an old Johnny Carson story; he had Cza Cza Gabore on his show and she had brought her cat,I think it was a white Persian,it was sitting on her lap when Johnny asked if he could "pet her pussy",she later sued him and won.True story.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 29, 2000.

Miss Lily Langtry would be proud of ya, Unk.

-- CD (costavike@hotmail.com), November 29, 2000.

Hey, cool. Make sure they're cat lovers first. Yeah...I like that. Now I can handle dating scenarios like that with renewed confidence. And -- maybe they'd even find it kinda...attractive. (Hmmm...maybe if I provocatively batted my eyes and lustily shook my hair back as I coughed it up...)

On the Johnny Carson thing...methinks we've gotten more litigious as a society. I mean, back in the fifties, nothing happened to Groucho after he responded to a couple who had a dozen or so children, "Well, I like my cigar, but at least I take it out of my mouth once in a while."

-- eve (eve_rebekah@yahoo.com), November 29, 2000.

(Hmmm...maybe if I provocatively batted my eyes and lustily shook my hair back as I coughed it up...)

^^^^^ROFLMAO...goood one Eve... (mentally pictures the scene...eww)

-- sumer (shh@aol.com), November 29, 2000.

My gosh Unk...this will be the HOTTEST place on the net fer sure.

Where do I mail the memebership check : )



-- Michael Taylor (where'd I put my em@il .addy?), November 29, 2000.

Dear Unc, Thank you,Thank you !! You cannot imagine what it is like to be living in an Irish Bog in the winter without some form of escape.LOL

Are we going to adopt Rule no 4 ..as suggested by Johnny?(applicable to overseas posters only)If so,do we get special rights as a minority group...like being able to order a Guinness without the hairball on a stick???

-- Chris (enquiries@griffenmill.com), November 30, 2000.

If you damned feriners would read carefully you would have seen that your proposed rule 4 is actually addressed in the seventeenth paragraph of rule 2.

BTW, the town council has decided that sheriff has not a position suitable to a person of my stature and regal bearing. Thus, I have been elected "King for Life" and am being coronated on Friday at 4pm. As a monarch I will be free to amend the rules as I set fit on a case by case basis.

You may carry on, but remember to bow and kiss my ring on your way past the throne.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), November 30, 2000.

Does your wife know about your new title, Unk?

-- (raven@never.more), November 30, 2000.

(how does one imitate a "kissing of the ring" in cyber-space? whatever.....consider it done)

How are we to now refer to you, Your Majesty? King Deedah? King Uncle? Yo, Dude-With-The-Crown?

Will there be refreshments of any sort at the coronation?

-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 30, 2000.

Yes, I don't know, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), November 30, 2000.

...but remember to bow and kiss my ring on your way past the throne.

Praytell is the ring worn on one of your fingers, my liege? It would placate the serfs, my lord.

-- Head Bowed With Reverance (howe9@shentel.net), November 30, 2000.

I cast my vote for Pooh-bah Deedah - in the most illustrious light, of course.

{Put me down to bring the Twinkies & Ho Ho's for the festivites}.

-- flora (***@__._), November 30, 2000.

Oh my,this sounds FUN,I get to sail around with my merry band of cohorts pirating the Kings ships for barrels o' rum then dispersing it out to the delight of the commoners!!! WE sail at high noon : )

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 30, 2000.

Might that ring be covered in chocolate?

-- Pamela Sue (pamela_sue57@hotmail.com), November 30, 2000.

Dear UnK. At all the best coronations the King gets to be annointed with oil. Which would you prefer - peanut or olive oil,hot or cold.Before anybody starts making lewd suggestions as to which part of the King's anotomy gets to be anointed as well as who has that pleasure,I think we ought to let Unk decide.

PS.I don't do toes or other waggily things !

-- Chris (enquiries@griffenmill.com), November 30, 2000.


You said your ring. I know that wasn't a ring you offered up!

(can't believe I typed that in... lol)

-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), November 30, 2000.

I can't stand it! These rules are too loosey-goosey. I need structure, order and coherence. I need rigidity. I need a good colonoscopy.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), November 30, 2000.

I hereby volunteer to anoint unk's ring with oil. LOL =)

-- cin (cin@=0.)), November 30, 2000.

If you think that was bad, you should see how red my face is.

-- cin (cin@=0.)), November 30, 2000.

I can forsee quite a problem arising if KOS appears.Who defers first ? Can you imagine what could happen if they fell out?A really oily mudbath ! Any suggestions for a ref ?

-- Chris (enquiries@griffenmill.com), November 30, 2000.

That would be Grand Pooh-bah Dee-dah to you, young lady. To the dungeon with you. And no tidying up while you're there. Domestic Goddess, or no Domestic Goddess, the dungeon shan't be clean. Wouldn't want word to get around that the Grand Pooh-bah is anal retentive.

I prefer the term Grand Nagus, but that's already in use.

-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), November 30, 2000.

PS.I don't do toes or other waggily things

Hee hee, looks around the saloon for volunteers who DO waggily things.

Um, I ONLY do my hubby's waggily thang.


-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 01, 2000.

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