County comtemplates lawsuit over computers : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread Radack wants supplier sued, but news angers county auditor By STEVE BREWER Copyright 2000 Houston Chronicle

"Harris County Commissioner Steve Radack wants the county to consider suing a California company over continuing problems with a $12 million computer bought in 1998.

In the wake of new complaints about the system, called IFAS, Radack asked County Attorney Michael P. Fleming on Monday to determine whether the county has a case against Sungard Bi-Tech Systems.

"I think if the county wasn't a victim of some kind of fictitious advertising, we've certainly been the victim of a faulty system," Radack said. "I think we should be able to attempt to recover not only the money we put into it but the money for thousands of man-hours we've spent to input data and take it out."

The county bought IFAS to help get its computers ready for 2000 and to merge three older systems -- purchasing, payroll and accounting. The system has been an almost constant source of complaints, many of which have reached court members, including Radack and Commissioner El Franco Lee.

After talking to Radack, Fleming said he told his staff to look for any legal remedies the county might have..."

-- mikem (mike in, November 28, 2000


-- spider (, November 28, 2000.

"Hell, if we hadn't stepped up and gotten
this system installed we wouldn't have even
been 2000-compliant,"

-- spider (, November 28, 2000.

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