Gore is living on borrowed time - Send In The Clowns *or* Just Send The Clowns Home

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Gore is living on borrowed time His hopes rest on continued public interest, but our attention span has expired

Nov. 27 — Al Gore is riding a bicycle. The bicycle is his waning presidential prospects. He is still on the bicycle, but on Sunday night the chain came off. GORE IS still peddling, but the wheels are slowing down. The vice president will, on residual momentum, glide for a few more days. But then, physics (not being subject to recount, hand or otherwise) dictate his bicycle will stop. Gore will fall down and go boom. Will there be any Democrats left to catch him? Poor Al Gore. No longer a candidate as of Sunday night’s certification but, now, simply a loser. That’s what elections do, produce a winner and a loser. Though you won’t hear any television anchor (i.e. Gore cheerleader) utter the words, but George W. Bush is now President-elect Bush. The establishment media is in denial. Reporting on certification of Bush as the winner in Florida, Monday’s New York Times’ front page story said the results “were not decisive by any means…” Hello? No longer a candidate as of Sunday night’s certification, Gore is now simply a loser

Regardless, the Gore bicycle is slowing down now. One Sunday night network poll showed that 60 percent of Americans now believe Gore should concede and withdraw — and that includes 25 percent of Gore voters! POLITICS’ TITANIC And that is why you have to wonder how long and how many Democrats will stay aboard politics’ newest version of the Titanic. When Gore looks next to him the only person standing there is his big buddy, House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt. The only problem is, Gephardt is reading from a different script.

Gephardt may prefer Gore for president, but what the Congressional leader really, really wants is for Dick Gephardt to be speaker of the House. That next election is his goal now, not Gore’s White House dreams. So anything that makes the Democrats look bad (like, say, a toxic sore loser presidential candidate who whines, sues, won’t shut up and won’t go away) makes Gephardt — and all Democrats — very nervous. SEND IN THE CLOWNS So what does Gore do? Short of a miracle that keeps his bicycle upright, he must somehow sell the notion that this ain’t over, that he can put the chain back on and win the race that is already over. Gore started with a refusal to concede to Bush (though just days ago Gore pledged to honor the outcome of the Florida court’s scheme), sending Joe Lieberman — who resembled a sad, deflated circus clown — out to decry the certification and vow a fight to the death. Next, of course, Gore unleashed another flood of lawyers and lawsuits. Then, on Monday evening, Al Gore takes to the national airwaves to make his case to the people (again). He had better be persuasive.

The fact is (as the polls, even now, indicate) many if not most Americans will now be inclined to view (correctly) the election as finished. So what is it this guy wants? Gore’s waning hopes now rest not merely on favorable public opinion — a bad bet as it is — but on continued public interest. But our attention span has expired. As of Sunday evening, the intensity of attention is diminishing by the second. Sure, one team is protesting the outcome of the game, but the game is over. That sound you hear is television sets all America switching from this soap opera back to the regular ones. Click. And boom! There goes Al Gore. He’s fallen, and he can’t get up.

Send The Clowns Home

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 27, 2000



(like, say, a toxic sore loser presidential candidate who whines, sues, won’t shut up and won’t go away) makes Gephardt — and all Democrats — very nervous. SEND IN THE CLOWNS


-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 27, 2000.

Polls state that 99% of americans are clueless regarding the constitution and consitutional law. Who cares what 60% of the population thinks-what do the people think whose votes were literally thrown out in Nassau county? You, Ain't, just ain't. You ain't my idea of an american. You ain't my idea as someone who believes in defending the constitution-you ain't my idea of someone who believes in the inherent right of every voter who has cast a legal ballot to have that vote counted. You ain't the kind of american who is willing to eschew convenience for the sake of doing something correctly.

You ain't the kind of person I would pick for my team. Cause this aint over, aint, and when Gore pulls it out as FutureShock said he would in the football analogy, what are you all going to do then? WHo will be crying then, cut and paste boy? Your sound bites on these threads will be reflected back at you in about a week.

-- SydBarrett (dark@side.moon), November 27, 2000.

What thread is the football analogy on?

-- George Wallace (converted@god.death), November 27, 2000.

Tell me, why doesn't Gore ever mention counting the military votes?

I can tell you why right now.

Gore is as two faced as they come.

He don't give a damn about the military votes, because most of them have voted for Bush!!!!

Do you really want another klinton?

Because that is what you get with Gore!!!!

-- ... (...@...com), November 28, 2000.

To the Editor:

Re "Bush Is Declared Winner in Florida, but Gore Vows to Contest Results" (front page, Nov. 27):

I am disappointed that Florida's partisan secretary of state, Katherine Harris, went ahead and certified Gov. George W. Bush the winner despite the fact that all the votes in the disputed counties were not manually recounted. This appears to be premature. There are several court challenges pending, including the one at the Supreme Court.

It is disconcerting that the Bush campaign impeded the manual recounts from being properly conducted as allowed by the Florida Supreme Court. Unless this matter is perceived to be settled fairly by the courts, the American public will never know who the true winner was in the Florida election.

The exit polls did show that Vice President Al Gore was the winner. The question remains: Were all the votes counted, and was the will of the people duly reflected in the outcome?


Seattle, Nov. 27, 2000

Gore Must Concede

To the Editor:

Re "Bush Is Declared Winner in Florida, but Gore Vows to Contest Results" (front page, Nov. 27):

I remain antipathetic to George W. Bush as a governor, and even more so to him as president. But I fail to understand how Vice President Al Gore feels he could govern effectively should he manage to successfully contest the results in Florida.

The Republican-led Congress will never accept a Gore presidency as legitimate and will work assiduously to block every bill Mr. Gore tries to pass. Congress will be aided in this by a right-wing establishment that will never relent in its attempts to delegitimize a Gore presidency.

Though four years of a Bush presidency is a frightening prospect, Mr. Gore no longer has any hope to be a successful leader and must concede.


New York, Nov. 27, 2000

Mr. Bush, It's Not Over

To the Editor:

Re "Bush Claims Victory, Urging Gore to Bow Out" (front page, Nov. 27):

Gov. George W. Bush's speech after he was declared the victor in Florida left me dumbfounded. How can he have the arrogance to ask Vice President Al Gore to concede?

This election is far from over, with serious concerns in Seminole, Miami-Dade, Nassau and Palm Beach Counties. If you ask me, Vice President Gore is the only one acting presidential.

The Bush camp is certainly doing its best to cover up the votes. I will have no respect for any man who tries to cover up democracy.


St. Petersburg, Fla., Nov. 27, 2000

Disdain for Democracy

To the Editor:

In refusing to extend the deadline for Palm Beach County to submit its recount (front page, Nov. 27), Florida's secretary of state, Katherine Harris, displayed her disdain for democracy. By attacking the decision of the Florida Supreme Court in her remarks after certification, she demonstrated her lack of understanding of the constitutional separation of powers and lack of respect for the rule of law.

Her words and actions reveal that she has confused her role as political advocate with her position as public official. Thus, her certification cannot and should not be taken as a decisive moment in this election.

She has made an election contest inevitable and necessary.


Amherst, Mass., Nov. 27, 2000

The writer is a professor of law at Hampshire College.

Counting for History

To the Editor:

Regardless of the outcome of the presidential election (front page, Nov. 27), it is very important to preserve all the Florida ballots so they may be counted in a thorough, careful and unhurried procedure that can produce a clear and accurate record of what really happened in the Florida election.

This seems vital both for the historical record, and as a guide in revising a seriously flawed voting process.


Los Altos, Calif., Nov. 27, 2000

No Legitimacy

To the Editor:

Re "Certified but Incomplete" (editorial, Nov. 27):

Unfortunately, conferring "legitimacy" to this presidential election is no longer possible. It seems inevitable that Gov. George W. Bush will become our next president. The tactics and arguments he has used to achieve that goal are chilling.

Our best hope, as a nation, is to take some lessons from this experience. First, every vote counts. Second, to count every vote, we need an immediate technological upgrade of our vote-casting system. Finally, we need to abolish the Electoral College. With these changes, in future elections the aura of legitimacy can be more clearly bestowed.


Appomattox, Va., Nov. 27, 2000

In Their Hearts

To the Editor:

I have no doubt, as Bob Herbert says ("Gore's Numbers Crunch," column, Nov. 27), that Vice President Al Gore believes he won Florida. But his supporters are not so sure, and the numbers say otherwise.

By contrast, both Gov. George W. Bush and his supporters believe in their hearts that Mr. Bush won Florida and that Mr. Gore is simply trying to steal the election.

It is a battle that Mr. Gore cannot win.


Winter Park, Fla., Nov. 27, 2000

Republican Values

To the Editor:

Re Anthony Lewis's Nov. 25 column, "Playing With Fire":

The effort by Gov. George W. Bush and James A. Baker III to delegitimize the Florida Supreme Court represents a serious threat to our democratic system of government. This comes as no surprise.

Just two years ago the same Republican Party, led by Kenneth Starr and Newt Gingrich, tried to delegitimize the election of the president of the United States.

Why is it that the Republicans, so zealous in their advocacy of moral values, are so driven by a lust for power and hatred of their opponents that they try to achieve their ends by tearing down the democratic institutions they are sworn to defend?


Woodmere, N.Y., Nov. 25, 2000

Hold On to That Towel

To the Editor:

Bob Dole says it's time for Vice President Al Gore to throw in the towel (Op-Ed, Nov. 27). But there's no consensus of urgency. We are patiently waiting for a just resolution.

The opportunity for Mr. Gore and the American people to get an accurate count in Florida is being hijacked. Americans want an accurate count. We resent the obvious ineptness in Florida's vote tabulation.

Mr. Dole, with his doom-and-gloom predictions of "confusion, anger and ill will" being multiplied or fears of further litigation, underestimates the common sense of the American people and their sense of fairness.

If this election is left as it stands now, Gov. George W. Bush's legacy will be one of doubt and possible illegitimacy, and his victory will be viewed by half the electorate as having been achieved by underhanded partisan chicanery.


Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 27, 2000

Dole's New Tune

To the Editor:

Bob Dole's call for Vice President Al Gore to concede to avoid further division (Op-Ed, Nov. 27) stands in stark contrast to his position eight years ago.

Right after the 1992 election, Mr. Dole, then the Senate minority leader, sent a letter to G.O.P. loyalists in which he purported to represent the 57 percent of Americans who voted against the Clinton- Gore ticket. Republicans widely questioned the legitimacy of an administration that would assume office with a mere plurality of the vote.

Then as now, the issue of political legitimacy will not be determined — or undermined — by partisans.


Brooklyn, Nov. 27, 2000

The writer served on Bob Dole's civil rights advisory group from 1993 until 1996.

Taking Sides

To the Editor:

You express a common sentiment that this presidential election is "a window onto a country split down the middle, a dysfunctional family feud getting ever more devious, vicious and hateful" (Week in Review, Nov. 26).

The malaise over the election is a manifestation of a seldom acknowledged post-Vietnam War syndrome: our national discomfort with conflict and our feverish insistence on a mythical consensus about the values and history that shape who we are.

Instead of viewing conflicts as devious feuds, we should take sides and demand that our leaders take sides in battles over legitimate differences.

We should learn from Frederick Douglass, who said, "Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground." CAROLYN HOWE

Worcester, Mass., Nov. 26, 2000

The writer is an associate professor of sociology, College of the Holy Cross

-- What other people think (away@from.here), November 28, 2000.

Speakin of gore


watch out for redlof

-- imme (¿¿¿??@greenspun.com), January 21, 2003.

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