President Al Gore will : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Well it would appear that President-Elect Gore has came up a little short for now,but I believe upon another recount of the uncounted votes he will prevail and become one of the greatest Presidents to serve this great nation.Senator/Vice-President Lieberman will also help President Gore lead our nation out of this induced Bush darkness. I can not wait for President Gore to address our nation and shed the necessary light upon the Bush trickery and outright attempt to steal this election from the vast majority of American voters.
-- another Gore supporter (awaiting his explan@tion.of this attempted theft), November 26, 2000
President-Elect Gore has came up a little shortUmmm....yea. In other words he LOST! Duh! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!
President Elect 'Winner'Bush will be making an nation wide acceptance speach within the next hour or so.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 26, 2000.
President Al Gore will prevail .. and all embedded chips will fail during y2k.
-- tee-hee (Wishful@thinking.punk), November 26, 2000.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 26, 2000.
I do not know from which your whit cehry arrives, Gore is naught. I proclaim it. I do no care about Gore, He is Naught.
-- My Story (, November 26, 2000.
The cows are comin home! The chickens are roostin for the night. W. Bush has been certified the winner in Florida and the liberals are cryin big tears. CNN,MSNBC,ABC,CBS show a bunch of reporters that just don't know what to say or how to quite handle the current events of tonite. In some ways I hope Gore tries to drag this out longer because it's going to show how transparent and phony he really is. And Leiberman's voice is like fingernails down a blackboard and if I accidently hear him one more time before I can change the channel its curtains for my T.V. My 45 is on my hip and I'll use it if provoked!
-- Boswell (, November 26, 2000.
Yep. Boswell. Just as we thought. Another redneck republican talking about the responsible use of firearms. There is truth in all jest. Got a shaky trigger finger?
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), November 26, 2000.
As expected, the usual dribble from the Bushites..My Story your dribble was un-readable..nice elephants..but the Democrat ass will prevail..watched the shrub,nothing of substance there..President Gore will thwart the Bushman at their own game,he will retake the election in the end and send the little shrub back to his ranch to watch the cattle return to the barn and watch the chickens peck in his non- election victory garden.
-- one of many Gore supporters (watching the elephants d@nce. of defeat), November 26, 2000.
Gee, and two seconds ago there was Future Shock all up in arms on another thread because someone had stereotyped Democrats!Pot meet kettle.
-- Future Shock, Extraordinary Hypocrite (, November 26, 2000.
Whiny overpaid teachers, Al Sharpton and Rev. Jackson supporters, Hollywood pretty people, the long hair nose-ring crowd, rumprangers and the misinformed labor union members all make up one big bunch of people that all have one thing in common. Their guy,Gore, is a transparent loser which makes them a bigger LOSER. And if for some reason I am wrong and if that Delroy wins on a some court decision, I'll bend over and screw myself.
-- Boswell (, November 26, 2000.
Whiny OVERPAID teachers? Maybe the one who taught YOU was overpaid, no, erase the maybe, such ignorance MUST be from terrible schooling. The one who taught you should be taken out and shot!
-- Uncle Deedah (, November 26, 2000.
Little clarification here: A big percentage of teachers should be paid more than what they are now getting because they do the job RIGHT. The whiny ones that depend on Gore and tenure are the incompetents that graduate kids that can't complete the basics. The best teachers are Republican and they don't need the promises of a failing political party that's sliding downhill based on it's own values.
-- Boswell (, November 26, 2000.
"Just as we thought. Another redneck republican talking about the responsible use of firearms. There is truth in all jest. Got a shaky trigger finger?"
Oh tra la la...I used to say that back when I was an anti gun democrate. I'm gonna blow my TV up. Gonna toss it out a window. Gonna throw a brick through the screen. Infact, have said similar things about my computer too.
NewsFlash - It means nothing.
And PS...the term "redneck" is as offensive as any N word you could utter, and needs to be eliminated from your vocabulary. (as is the democratic way..)
Only rednecks can call each other rednecks...same with the N word.
Oh, and some of the 6 million registered gun owners in this country live in the city, infact, a lot of them, which further reduces your "redneck" stereotype.
-- Look OUT! (FS@is.on.a.rant), November 26, 2000.
FWIW....I'm a long haired southern dude,becauase of my accent/drawl I get called a redneck or a stupid hick,but because of my hair length and earrings I get called a hippie.
I am really neither *but* I can be a redneck if someone pushes hard enough or threatens my family,I can be redneck enough to pump some scumbag full of lead.Damn!All this time I thought I was just being an American,trying to mind my own business,make my own money and get along with everyone.
-- capnfun (, November 26, 2000.
When dictators hold elections, they throw away the ballots without allowing a fair count and declare themselves the winner.Who didn't want a recount in this election?
-- Think about that (, November 27, 2000.
Let's see a recount of those Democratic discounted military ballots.
-- John Littmann (, November 27, 2000.
The problem with the absentee ballots is that many of them were unsigned. The Gore team said they would encourage the counties to consider the ones which weren't postmarked, but that the ballots had to be signed.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 27, 2000.
Clarification-Not all rednecks are republicans, and not all republicans are rednecks-I used the two words together specifically for our lovely, compassionate Boswell, who thinks anyone who is not a white male like him is less than him.Hey, Boswell, love your denunication of all that is not you-you must come from a long line of small-minded, southern white males, who are interestingly enough, the ones who do not want every vote counted in this election.
Yep, I am on a rant, because there is so much ignorance and prejudice on this board. Yep-call me a hypocrite, too, for my use of redneck and other language proclaiming the stupidity I see-BUT wherever I see people denigrating others for their skin color or the sexual orientation I am going to rant-I have said that before and I will say it again-when you speak in the manner Boswell is speaking, you show yourself to be less than a complete human being-In the case of Boswell, should he ever fall into a lake and be drowning, I hope like hell it is a gay man who rescues him.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), November 27, 2000.
Bos, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to old Future Shock. A self- proclaimed alcoholic, he fights his demons each and everyday and insists that we join him on his dark journeys. His unabashed support for the welfare society and the homosexual lifestyle should give you some hints at where this loser is coming from. I think his ‘gray matter’ has been pickled beyond salvage and one has to wonder how this person fits into his own little world.
-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 27, 2000.
Lay off FS.He *almost* made President. And if alot of us here had it our way, he WOULD have.
Better choice than the other two idiots.
-- sumer (, November 27, 2000.
All for you Future Shock, I'm not a white redneck from the South. I am a white redneck from the NorthWest! I do believe that the wrong side won the Civil War but that's another chapter. Yes I am prejudice against a certain sexual orientation and proud of it. Never in my life will I ever figure out how a man can get all excited over another guys hairy asshole. But nature works in mysterious ways I guess. I've scene that happen with Angus bulls. About 1 out of a 100. Don't get no calves so they end up gettin butchered the first year. Taste funny though, kink of tender! Are you tender?
-- Boswell (, November 27, 2000.
FS, don't mind Boswell. He's just another shameless monkey out for a morning troll.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 27, 2000.
Bos:Love it when you talk sexy to me. I am all aquiver with delight- titillated beyond words by your brazen advances. You have not experienced tender until you have experienced me, love, so whenever you are ready to be touched like you have never been touched before, to reach ecstatic heights never before reached-pick the time and the place, good buddy, and you will never go back.
I have:
There is more gray matter in one centimeter of my brain than in your whole head.
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), November 27, 2000.
Well there Future Shock, Try to make advances on me will you! There you go again thinking with your ass instead of your head. Quite typical of your bunch. That's why you guys are dyin off. When are you goin to realize if it don't fit you got to quit? Like I said before No calves, No kids. You ain't worth the powder to blow you to hell. You will see hell anyway cause you're tryin to plug the wrong pipe! Your times comin ole Future Shock.
-- Boswell (, November 27, 2000.
>> That's why you guys are dyin off. [...] Like I said before No calves, No kids. <<Yup. In the same post you also said about 1 in 100 bulls are that way.
So, think. That one bull's mammy and pappy aren't that way, yet, lil' sonny boy is that way. So, think. Sonny boy doesn't need to have kids for there still to be about 1 in 100 who end up that way, since good old red-blooded, rip-snorting bulls and cows will predictably produce about 1 in 100, all on their own. So, how will they be "dying off"?
Now think a little harder. Even if you and your wife aren't that way, your own son could be that way and there's not a damn thing you or she could do to stop it. Chances are about 1 in 100. Of course, you could always butcher your son when you found out, or just maybe you could change your prejudice.
Ain't nobody asking you to join that particular dance, so why is it any skin off your nose?
-- Brian McLaughlin (, November 27, 2000.
Future Shock has told me;“There is more gray matter in one centimeter of my brain than in your whole head.”
What’s next winehead, “my Daddy’s car is newer than your Daddy’s car”? I’m beginning to wonder how old you are or perhaps just a little slow from all of your excessive drinking. If plain old common sense were thrown into the mix you would be classified as having some serious learning/comprehension disorders. I’m not the smartest person that I know but I’m the smartest person that YOU know. Hope this discourse is not keeping you from a meeting or something. Sure wouldn’t want a high intellect like you to regress back into the abyss.
-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 27, 2000.
I have:New handle, same old shit. I know who you are, and although I would enjoy insulting you again and again and again, I am done with you. As for Boswell, SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU IIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
-- FUTURESHOCK (GRAY@MATTER.THINK), November 27, 2000.
Well it would appear that this discussion thread has drifted from its original intent which was President Gore will eventually straighten out you Repukelicans and continue to lead our great nation.Listen tonight with not only with your ears but with your mind as well.
-- another Gore supporter (awaiting his mess@ge.tonight), November 27, 2000.
Well Brian, just let me tell ya. A bull that can't sire is not worth what you paid for him. You take a loss big time because if you don't find out soon enough you're too far into your breedin season and than you're calvin to damn late. A gay bull can screw up a cowman's whole year. And as far as dyin off I'm referrin to that Aids stuff. The kind that isn't calcium fortified or is it Tums? And as far as my kids havin that gay problem, well them boys all played with toy trucks and when they got older it was pussy and elk huntin. We don't need to talk about Gore because this subject is far more important!
-- Boswell (, November 27, 2000.
The polls are showing that people who were for Gore are now going against him. If for some miracle he becomes President, he will be known in history as the lame-duck president. Anyone who wants the presidency as bad as he does has something psychologically wrong with them. Be wary of anyone who thinks they know what is best for you. If there is a God, may he help us. However, the Jews believed in God and they suffered, even though they cried for his mercy everyday. I believe in my heart that Al Gore is a demon, and he is wicked more than any of us care to know.
-- I fear 4 you (Ifear4you@Ifear4youuuu.zcom), November 27, 2000.
Anyone who wants the presidency as bad as he does has something psychologically wrong with them.Yes, I can see how a man with character and the tenacity to fight for honor and integrity would be an alien concept to a Bush supporter. Every time you folks open your mouths you reveal that you're just as illiterate as your candidate-of-choice.
-- Go (, November 27, 2000.
Is a gay bull a product of genetics or of his environment, Boswell. Your answer could very well have far reaching implications. If it is genetic only-hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
-- SydBarrett (dark@side.moon), November 27, 2000.
"I have" wrote:"What’s next winehead, “my Daddy’s car is newer than your Daddy’s car”? I’m beginning to wonder how old you are or perhaps just a little slow from all of your excessive drinking. If plain old common sense were thrown into the mix you would be classified as having some serious learning/comprehension disorders. I’m not the smartest person that I know but I’m the smartest person that YOU know. Hope this discourse is not keeping you from a meeting or something. Sure wouldn’t want a high intellect like you to regress back into the abyss."
I too have been meaning to say something like this myself to Gov. George W. Bush, but you beat me to it. Thanks bud!
-- Old softy (, November 28, 2000.
Actually SydBarret, that's a damn good question and I'm just the one to answer it. That buttranger stuff is environment caused. Because most of the breeders that sell those bulls that jump their own live in areas where the soil is severely deficient in calcium. And that means their hoofs get soft because they can't develop properly. When they jump a heifer they don't have to reach so high when they rear up on their hind legs. This causes pain in their toes. It's more comfortable for them to jump a steer or another bull and head for the dirt chute because they stand farther back on their hoofs. Close to the hocks ya know! That's where they come up with the term twinkle-toes. I hope I clarified that okay!
-- Boswell (, November 28, 2000.
While I do not know about Angus bulls, queer or otherwise, I do know that your answer to SydBarrett was not what some on this forum wanted to hear.
Watch closely now as they try to discredit you, rather than your point.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), November 28, 2000.
And that means their hoofs get soft because they can't develop properly. When they jump a heifer they don't have to reach so high when they rear up on their hind legs. This causes pain in their toes. It's more comfortable for them to jump a steer or another bull and head for the dirt chute because they stand farther back on their hoofs.It just became glaringly obvious that you don't actually live on a farm and have nothing to do with cows or cattle.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 28, 2000.
OMG! This guy knows nothing about cows, does he? I'll bet he thinks chicken farmers still candle their eggs!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
-- 4H Frannie (, November 28, 2000.
Old softy, try Viagra. Unless of course you are named for a 'skull bone' condition.
-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 28, 2000.
Uh, people... Boswell was just "having us on", as they say. An old country tradition.
-- Brian McLaughlin (, November 28, 2000.
Actually Brian, I was just having a little fun. I raised cattle from 62 to 97. Ran a 100 head of registered cows at the most and sold a lot of bulls to customers in 5 states so I do know alot about the cow business. When the common man can cut thru the bull shit, he wins a ribbon in my book. If you can't have a laugh once in awhile at someone elses expense what reason is their to get up in the mornin?
-- Boswell (, November 29, 2000.