Seems 'Dubya' Stands for "WINNER"!! : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Get used to it and get over it!!!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 26, 2000


See you in Seminole County court tomorrow, loser.

-- too funny (, November 26, 2000.

See you in Seminole County court tomorrow, loser.

Your boy has lost in recount after recount. Seems to me Sore/Looserman are the LOOSERS!

Me thinks the Democrats ontinued court battles will now become VERY tiring with the American people. Please, file your lawsuits early and often friend. You can be sure it will ensure Republican wins in even more elections across the country as America no longer wants to stomach a bunch of loud mouth cry babies that have more love of stiring the crap in the courts than facing the facts you LOST the election!


-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 26, 2000.


It's a hollow victory at best. Bush doesn't have anything even close to a mandate. Heck, he didn't even win the popular vote. That's got to gall the crap out of him. Moreover, every president who's ever been elected without winning the popular vote has been a one term president, defeated by huge margins owing, in part, to massive voter turnout in the following election.

Most Democrats I know are cheering Dubya's victory tonight, because it predicts a landslide Democrat victory in 2004. Personally, I voted for Browne this time, so I find it difficult to get excited over either Bush or Gore.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 26, 2000.


Count 'em....3-4 US Supreme Court Justices in the next four years! YES!!!!!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 26, 2000.

Sure, what with the huge majority Republicans have in both the House AND the Senate, you'll get every candidate and piece of legislation passed without any difficulties whatsoever.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 26, 2000.

you'll get every candidate and piece of legislation passed without any difficulties whatsoever.

Hehe hehe...Count 'em....3-4 US Supreme Court Justices in the next four years! YES!!!!!

Partial birth abortion is going DOWN!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 26, 2000.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 26, 2000.

Perched boldly on the piled remains of our democracy is a stinking elephant who whispers proudly, "Divide et impera" we will have power at any price."

-- (Shrubya@stinking.scoundrel), November 26, 2000.

W 1!

-- butt nugget (, November 26, 2000.

Who, exactly, do you think will be stepping down? I'll make it very easy for you.

William Rehnquist* 1972 Richard Nixon 74
John Paul Stevens 1975 Gerald Ford 78
Sandra Day O'Connor 1981 Ronald Reagan 68
Antonin Scalia 1986 Ronald Reagan 62
Anthony Kennedy 1988 Ronald Reagan 62
David Souter 1990 George Bush 59
Clarence Thomas 1991 George Bush 50
Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 Bill Clinton 65
Stephen Breyer 1994 Bill Clinton 60

The oldest justices are Rehnquist, Stevens, and O'Connor. One conservative and two liberals. You'll notice, of course, that they were appointed by Republican presidents, as was Souter, who also tends to be very liberal. In fact, out of seven Supremes appointed by Republicans, three are very liberal. A fourth, Kennedy, tends to be very centrist, having waffled on abortion votes but being rather strict in decisions which keep religious involvement out of schools.

If I were you, I would get more excited over who's being nominated rather than who's doing the nominating. This, of course, doesn't even begin to address the Bork factor.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 26, 2000.

Oh... one more thing. Regarding a ban on Partial Birth Abortion, the Supremem Court ruled this year that such bans place an undue burden on a woman. The majority was slim, only 5 to 4, but three of those were Republican appointees, Stevens, O'Connor, and Souter. Souter, of course, was appointed by Daddy Bush.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 26, 2000.

Seems to me Sore/Looserman are the LOOSERS!


You've written that slogan on a number of threads now. I really don't mean to be the spelling-cop around here, but since we're no doubt going to be seeing your comment repeated over and over and over again, I thought I'd offer you the following bit of info...

The opposite of tighter is "looser". It is spelled with two "o"s.

The opposite of winner is "loser". It is spelled with only one "o".

(Don't take offense, Ain't. Just tryin' to help us both out here.)

-- CD (, November 26, 2000.

CD, sorry, can't resist this.

Looser. Does this mean W is tighter?

-- spelling (, November 26, 2000.

We'll see who is in the White House come January.... You think it's over just because bush said so??? yeah, right!

-- it is happening (, November 26, 2000.

"Seems 'Dubya' Stands for "WINNER"!!"

Things are seldom what they "seem" to be.

-- (bush@tyrant.thief), November 27, 2000.

See you in Seminole County court tomorrow, loser.

Your boy has lost in recount after recount.

Seminole County isn't about's about Republican FRAUD and it may be the telling factor that ends Georgie's fifteen minutes of fame as the Presidential Wannabe. Your jubilation will be short-lived. Tick, tock....

(BTW - I'm glad someone else recognizes the significance of the Seminole County situation but the trial there isn't scheduled to start until the 29th. Thankfully, the media is starting to give this story the coverage it deserves so the world can see that the Republicans rigged the Florida vote.

-- Can'tWaitTilAin't (, November 27, 2000.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 27, 2000.

You can always count on Ain't for cogent, well-reasoned arguments.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 27, 2000.

You can always count on Ain't ..

I'm glad you like the emblem Tarzan!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 27, 2000.


You have yet to tell me which justices you think we'll be replacing.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 27, 2000.

You have yet to tell me

Maybe we can play some other time Tarzan. It's been a long month.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 27, 2000.

Yeah, I didn't think you had anything.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 27, 2000.


I *did* kind of think the baby emblem was a cutie, didnt you?

Its okay to admit it, I wont tell nobody. Hee hee.

FWIW, I voted for Gore. :-)

-- sumer (, November 27, 2000.

I thought the baby emblem was equally applicable to both parties.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 27, 2000.

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