Florida's secretary of state certifies George W. Bush as winner

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Bush Is Certified Winner in Florida

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Florida's secretary of state certified George W. Bush the winner over Al Gore Sunday night in the state's near-deadlocked presidential vote -- but court challenges left in doubt which man will be the ultimate victor and 43rd president of the United States.

-- (The@2000.election), November 26, 2000


It was a certification that won't stick because it wasn't an ACCURATE accounting. Let's see if you Bush folks are still cheering on Inauguration day.

-- FatLady (Hasn't@Sung.yet), November 26, 2000.

-- yep.. (Heres@how.I.feel), November 26, 2000.

Sounds like she defied the order of the courts, AGAIN. The Secretary of State is not intended to be a position where political partisanship comes into play.

-- (cheating@political.whore), November 27, 2000.

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