November 26th and all that.....where were you : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Not much of any Toon interest has really happened on the 26th of November down the years......bit boring really









But then again.......

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000


Moving it onto the answers page.









and the next one will reavel.......

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Guess where SOME people were......


-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Oooops......hopefully the centring is now of.

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

I go on day off.

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

This me on left.

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

evening ken and skippy - I was down an old mine shaft tch tch tch

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

I have absolutely nee bliddy idea where I was on November 26 last year or any year. But tomorrow I will be listening to the webcast as the only game on telly here is Arse v Leeds.

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Nice centering thingy on the postings...

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Aye, that's ITK for you. In The Kentre.

Nee idea, eh?

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Slight problem since (for half an hour anyway) its still only the 25th of November 2000 ad

Evening all btw :o)

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Evenin' Jay (or should that be mornin' where you are now)? Just in from the pub, eh? I'll be off out soon for a few bevvies and some live music - probably rock-a-billy knowing this bliddy town :-(

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Some of us can't even remember where we were on November 25th.

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Screach, Plenty to do in Minnesota, call round and have a natter with "Halleljah John Tudor" or a qick game of pool with Minnesota Fats

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2000

Buff - I know what you mean. A good mate from here (Carlo) knowa JT very well. Met up with Carlo a few years back but missed JT. Still, had a crackin; night tonight, doing the blues I shudda done last week in Chicago.

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2000

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