Hey Al! Remember Elian? It's His Aniversary Tommorow! Yet ANOTHER Clinton/Gore Legacy We Are Left With!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Little Elian casts a long shadow Year after rescue, bitter row reverberates on U.S. election race
Six-year-old Elian Gonzalez, center, watches a ceremony with his classmates on the first school day in his hometown of Cardenas, Cuba.
MIAMI, Nov. 21 — Thanksgiving Day in the United States marks the anniversary of the rescue at sea of a little Cuban boy — an incident that Vice President Al Gore may look back on ruefully as the presidency of the United States hangs in the balance.
Hey Al! Remember Elian?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 22, 2000
>>Yet ANOTHER Clinton/Gore Legacy We Are Left With!!! <<<I agree with you 100%, they finally did the right thing and honored a father's right to his child. Clinton didn't give in to all those nuts in Miami whose only concern was a political agenga against Cuba. It is about time that Parental Rights came above politics! Elian is where HE belongs, with his father, period, end of paragraph!! Imagine his life with those media whore relatives in Miami.
-- It did Happen (right.here@right.now), November 22, 2000.
Elian is where HE belongs, with his father,NOT QUITE! Elian is now away from his father and under government control until his teenage years while he is indoctrinated into communistic theology.
BTW: His father had nothing to do with him or his mother before she and Elian escaped Cuba on a raft last year.
His MOTHER's wish was for FREEDOM from Castro for her and her son. She died trying to give her son that freedom you and I have.
If you are a US citizen, your attitude sickens me and is un-American to it's core.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 22, 2000.
BTW: His father had nothing to do with him or his mother before she and Elian escaped Cuba on a raft last year.Excuse me, but can you/will you provide a link to your statement?
Simply due to the fact that it IS complete and utter BULLSHIT.
Where were YOU when they showed time and time again on tv the fact that his dad was VERY involved with him prior to his leaving Cuba?
FACTS please, not your bullshit, which, by the way seems to be the way you get your point across these days.
-- (fu@Q.Aint), November 22, 2000.
If you are a US citizen, your attitude sickens me and is un- American to it's core.Without commenting on Elian, the above post is just one more example of this "if you don't think like I do then you're not a real American" bullshit.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), November 22, 2000.
And what kind of *loving* mother would subject her child to an incredible stupid and dangerous raft ride??? And how do you know how much time his father spent with him prior to his mothers stupid trip that ended up as her as fish bait??? Oh, those media whore relatives... gotta believe them, since they've had no contact with him for years, huh? Get over it, the facts speak loud and clear, this is a victory for parental rights, period!
-- It DID Happen (too late!) (right.here@right.now), November 22, 2000.
>>His MOTHER's wish was for FREEDOM from Castro for her and her son. She died trying to give her son that freedom you and I have. <<<By risking her son's life!!??!! And what about the father's wish? Why, in your book, does his voice not count??
>>>>> If you are a US citizen, your attitude sickens me and is un-American to it's core. <<<<<<
Oh, boy! I'm looking forward to your explaination on this one! Are you so narrow minded as that statement indicates?? The mother was NOT a hero by any streach of the imagination, in every state of this union, her actions would have landed her in jail for reckless child endangerment and you think she walks on water (which, obviously, she couldn't), that is sad. She proved to be a very unfit parent to even think of risking her son's life that way! And, how is supporting a father's right to his child un american???
-- Rob McCarthy (celtic64@inficad.com), November 22, 2000.