Using DV500 to capture & edit, how do i burn it into VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

HI, I'm using DV500 that comes with Adobe Premium for editing. I've already finished a project and exported it to .mov format. I know that in order to burn it as a VCD, i need a MPEG encoder. Please correct me if i'm wrong. Mpeg1 is the same as Mpeg which enable the file to burn into VCD format, whereas Mpeg2is a format for DVD. Is that true? My question is: 1) How does a Mpeg encoder works? Is it just a program? THanks in advance!!

-- Jenny (, November 22, 2000


You need to read the information at
mpeg 1 = used for vcd
mpeg 2 = used for svcd/dvd
either mpeg 1 or mpeg 2 (2 different types of mpeg) can be fixed bitrate or variable bitrates. If I have lost you allready go to then
Note: If you are a mac user you have an even harder time. (Software is becoming more scarce within an affordable price range & finding ones that will work in the PROPER combinations)

-- zar (, November 24, 2000.

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