Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

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"This reminds me of how Marilyn Quayle was treated [when her husband became vice president in 1989 under President George Bush]. She was made great fun of by the media" for her pro-family views, said Mrs. Terzian. She went on to say the "undignified, below-the-belt personal diatribes" the Gore camp and the media are hurling at Mrs. Harris are "a desperate effort to bring her down." Phyllis Schlafly, president of the conservative Eagle Forum, said the treatment Mrs. Harris is receiving is the "same treatment they gave all women who crossed [President] Clinton." "The media want [Vice President Al] Gore to steal the election, and Katherine Harris is standing in the way. She's like Horatio at the bridge," Mrs. Schlafly said in a telephone interview yesterday from her home in the Midwest.

Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 21, 2000


Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

The lamestream media doesn't even know who Horatio was.

-- nothere nothere (notherethere@hotmail.com), November 21, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

-- (I@wonder.why), November 21, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

Great job! You make the Republicans case. ROFL!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 21, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as Â?Cruella de VilleÂ?

OK. I read the article. The headline claims that the "news media" are painting Ms. Harris as a fiend.

So, what evidence was produced to back up this claim?

The article quotes Don Imus. It quotes a variety of people who are "spokesman for" or "connected to" the Gore campaign in some way or other. It cites Jay Leno as making cruel jokes. It then includes a number of laudatory quotes from people who admire Ms. Harris, such as Phyllis Schlafly.

Don Imus? Jay Leno? Alan Dershowitz? When the hell did these people become the "news media"???? Answer: they aren't, but it would be difficult to whip up much sympathy for Ms. Harris by claiming that "hateful comedians and radio talk show hosts" make fun of her. They make fun of everyone.

-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), November 21, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

Since Don has a show on morning and evening on CNN (I think?), since most (almost 50%) of young people get their political news from late night talk show hosts and since the media promotes Dershowitz's view by making it news worthy. (I think he should be gagged!)

True, luckily, it's only a few media nitwits that repeat these views but yet enough so that the public hears it.

FWIW I too think she has too much makeup on what appears to be a very beautiful face.

-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), November 21, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

Well, Ms. Clinton endured and continues to endure the same treatment regarding her personal appearance. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. Republican and Democrats, male and female alike dispense with the niceities when things get serious.

-- Casey DeFranco (caseydefranco@mindspring.com), November 21, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

Katherine Harris is hot! She can leave her shoes under my bed any time.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), November 21, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

I hear she sucked Bush off and the next day that nasty pustule formed on his cheek.

-- Pustuleena (zit@boil.abcess), November 21, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

"Hey BOY! Don't you know how to put your face on?"

Sexist or racist? What is this thread saying.

-- la (lala@aol.com), November 22, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

Well if she don't like the political bullshit game she can allways go play on her yacht,just another silver spooner.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), November 22, 2000.

Response to Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”

Katherine Harris is hot. She is one hot piece of ass. I bet her cunt smells sweet. I'd fucker her pussy, ass, and mouth... then cum all over her face and tits.

-- Jer K. Weed (holethrasher@yahoo.com), November 02, 2002.

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