Democratic Activist Admits Effort To Change GOP Electors' Votes : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Democratic Activist Admits Effort To Change GOP Electors' Votes

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 21, 2000


and your point would be ..... what? I'd like to see gore win just to have the pleasure of watching you come unglued! THAT would be worth it!!!

-- It is Happening (, November 21, 2000.

and your point would be ...

I thought it was fairly clear. Simply double click on the underlined html text and you will find it to be a link to a NEWS article.

D U H!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 21, 2000.

one more time, and - your - point - would - be ........ what? do you u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d? Show me the law that forbids this type of activity..... If they think they have a chance to change people's minds, go fer it

-- It is Happening (, November 21, 2000.

one more time, and - your - point - would - be ...

Does mindless babling run in your family or are you just to stupid to understand what a NEWS article is?

Buy A Vowel

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 21, 2000.

Synopsis of the article: A transcript of Neil Cavuto (media flack for CNBC) interviewing Bob Beckel (semi-retired political consultant).

Bob Beckel states that he is putting together a statistical model of Florida undervoting that he believes will provide strong proof that Al Gore won Florida by roughly 25,000 votes. He is concurrently gathering information about as many Republican electors as possible in the 26 states that do not legally bind electors to vote as the state voted. He plans to identify any Republican electors who might be receptive to his facts and present them with his analysis in the hope they will refuse to vote for Bush.

Beckel adamantly insists that he doesn't give a damn about what the Gore campaign makes of this, or anyone else. He is doing it because he is certain that Bush is not the legitimate winner of this election and he thinks it is his duty to speak up and do what he can to change that outcome. He says he is near enough retirement that he can thumb his nose at both sides and they can't stop him.

Interesting interview. Worth a read.

-- Brian McLaughlin (, November 21, 2000.

for a third time, your fucking point in this is what???? you think you are our only source of news?? what a fucking ego you have! try getting a fuckin' life instead of this mental masterbation you perform on these boards. Understand now?

-- It is Happening (, November 21, 2000.

for a third time,

EASY CPR! Your blood pressure...lay down take a pill.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 21, 2000.

you think you are our only source of news??

Sigh! So much news on little time/space to post it all!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 21, 2000.

hee hee buy a vowel w/a link also....LMFAO.....

tooo funny.

-- (, November 21, 2000.

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