The "Dubya Dance" : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
The "Dubya Dance"
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 21, 2000
Ah yes, the 'infamous duhhhhhhhhhhh bya dance' um, this is the 'one' where he dances after a few lines and a couple of drinks, right?hee hee
-- do the DUH (, November 21, 2000.
Beer Hat Dance
-- Peg (, November 21, 2000.
Yep, the link says it all.Thnks Peg.
-- (, November 21, 2000.
Praise the Lord!
Halleluiah! I'm saved!
-- Dubya (jesus@erased.mysins), November 21, 2000.