Eiither way, as Dandy Don would sing "Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over"greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Sore loser or sore winner the party's over.Read it and weep
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), November 21, 2000
Once again. link
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), November 21, 2000.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), November 21, 2000.
Read it and weep
-- mrexperienced (beenthere@donethat.damn), November 21, 2000.
Read it and weep
-- mrinexperienced (stillthere@dointhat.duh), November 21, 2000.
Well if Gore is a loser then I can only hope it doesn't take Bush as many tries at the presidency as it does for you to make a link.
-- (competency.low@among.bush.crowd), November 21, 2000.
-- good guy (Whatgoesaround@comesaround.dic), November 21, 2000.
It's funny how we often like to protray Democrat Presidents as stupid. While Carter had a hickish aire surrounding him, it was obvious the man was highly intelligent. Even Clinton had a southern good boy feel about him, but he couldn't hide the fact that he is a genius.Now with Gore we actually can have our cake and eat it too. Here is a Democratic Presidential contender who actually is stupid. It gets even better though - he is too stupid to realize he is stupid.
-- Political Commentator (telling@like.Itis), November 21, 2000.
"Political Commentator", how would you classify a Republican "Presidential contender" who thinks Social Security isn't a Federal program?
Just curious.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 21, 2000.
Forward thinking. Well, maybe going back to basics. Social security, just another welfare system born out of the depression era, should be eliminated. Our founding fathers would have never imagined that this is an issue during an election. Bush's agenda for ss makes Gore look like a whinny baby. I guess that's fitting for a sore loser.
-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), November 21, 2000.
Even Clinton had a southern good boy feel about him, but he couldn't hide the fact that he is a genius.Yes he could...he was average at best. Half the people on this forum could out-wit the knumbskull with half their brain tied behind their back...IMHO.
-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), November 21, 2000.
>> Half the people on this forum could out-wit the knumbskull with half their brain tied behind their back... <<Which certainly ranks Newt Gringrich, doesn't it?
-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), November 21, 2000.
Brian McLaughlinYou honestly think anybody knows what you are talking about?
-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), November 21, 2000.
>> You honestly think anybody knows what you are talking about? <<Anita knows. Patricia knows. Tarzan knows. You, on the other hand, do not. Next question.
-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), November 21, 2000.
Brain, you've been eating nails for breakfast, haven't you? :)
-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), November 21, 2000.
Okay I'll bite ^^^^ (um, looks round and proclaims, not that its any of my business or nuthin)So what are you talking about?
Sumer, who has 3/4 of her brain tied behind, um, period.
-- (shh@aooooooo.cold), November 21, 2000.
>> So what are you talking about? <<Since you ask so politely, 'sumer...
If we assume Clinton is "merely average" and most of us here could outwit him using a mere half our brains, and we further observe that Newt Gringrich seemed to have real problems outwitting Clinton on numerous occasions, then we must draw the [booming announcer voice:] Unavoidable Conclusion [resume normal voice:] that nobody here would have the slightest trouble outwitting poor Newt. That's all.
-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), November 21, 2000.
"Newt Gringrich seemed to have real problems outwitting Clinton on numerous occasions" Since there were so many please list a few.
-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), November 21, 2000.
Humbly responds "um, thanks Brian".
-- (shh@aol.com), November 21, 2000.
Maria, although it was not widely reported at the time (for obvious reasons), in 1997 President Clinton was hosting a state dinner for Russian Premier Boris Yeltsin, also attended by Speaker Gringrich. As Speaker Gringrich approached the two world leaders in the receiving line before the dinner, President Clinton winked briefly at Yeltsin, then turned to Mr. Gingrich and said in a quiet confidential tone, "Mr. Speaker, don't look now, but I believe your fly is closed." At which, Newt immediately groped his own crotch, causing Mr. Yeltsin to guffaw loudly.
-- Brian McLaughlin (brianm@ims.com), November 21, 2000.
Brian, you call that an intelligent exchange! Give me a fucking break! That shows the down in the gutter attitude of Clinton, not his intelligence. Funny, though not entirely appropriate for a state dinner.
-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), November 22, 2000.
Well, hmmff, I thought it was tooo damned funny.Rofl.....again, um, thanks brian.
-- (sshh@aol.com), November 22, 2000.