The MASH game... : LUSENET : chatterbox: the amplified to rock forum : One Thread

So what were your results? Feel free to make amusing comments about them...

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2000



You live in a - Mansion. Ok. Hopefully it's one of those smaller mansions.

You're married to - David Duchovny. Sorry Matty :( If I can't have my man, I will just have to learn to accept Mr. Duchovny. I know it will be tough, but I'll try to hang in there.

You drive a - that BMW James Bond had. Hopefully David has a bigger car I can use. I'm always lugging giant boxes around.

Your car is the color - grey. Fine with me.

You live in the state - Vermont. Ah. Hopefully right on Lake Champlain near Burlington...

Your honeymoon is - Adirondacks. Ahhh... tenting with Mr. Duchovny.

Your occupation is a producer. I have all creative control over my productions of course.

You have this many kids: 1 (0 male; 1 female). Ehhh... hopefully adopted? David and I can rescue a third-world child instead of me squeezing one out.

-- Anonymous, November 21, 2000

You live in a Apartment. (hey...we don't have to cut the grass...)

You're married to Nanette. (what do i need to say?)

You drive a Civic. (good thing, too..i'm buting a brand new on in a couple of months....)

Your car is the color Black. (right on. this thing sure is smart...)

You live in the state Illinois. (isn't that where they keep the windy city?)

Your honeymoon is Japan. (shit! can't beat that! i would do everything *except* watch anime)

Your occupation is a Web Designer. (stupid is as stupid does.)

You have this many kids: 3 (1 male; 2 female). (Jesus! do i have the sperm from hell or what?)

-- Anonymous, November 21, 2000

First, I hate Brian for making me a regular weblog reader. Here's what I got:

You live in a Mansion. (I hope we can afford a maid.)

You're married to Ben. (Good to know...)

You drive a Avalon. (Heh. I love those.)

Your car is the color dark blue. (Yay! My favorite!)

You live in the state Ohio. (I said we were moving to Cincinnati, didn't I?)

Your honeymoon is Italy. (I wish. There's always the anniversary...)

Your occupation is a publisher. (Sweet.)

You have this many kids: 0 (0 male; 0 female). (Even sweeter.)

-- Anonymous, November 21, 2000

You live in a Apartment.

You're married to Steve. You drive a Jetta.

Your car is the color dark blue.

You live in the state Mass..

Your honeymoon is London.

Your occupation is a Artist.

You have this many kids: 1 (0 male; 1 female).

I don't even know anyone named Steve.

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2000

Mantion Gary 60 Convertible Blue

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

I live a house I'm married to Tom ( not the ex b/f) I drive a cougar ( i love those cars) and it is blue ( my favorite color) I am a psychiatrist ( I'm the one who need therapy) I have 5 kids (that makes since Tom's good at that) I live in Pennsylvania ( thank god I'm out of waterloo)

-- Anonymous, January 11, 2002

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