Still picutures with Easy CD Creator : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does anyone have a solution to make a Video CD with still pictures that changes when you for example press the "Next" button?

What software should I use to convert pictures so Easy CD Creator accepts them?

I know that I could do this very easy with Video Pack 4 but I currently dont have access to that software.

Many thanks in advance.

-- Hans (, November 20, 2000


You must encode your stills into mpeg files. EZCD only accepts mpegs. Go to Adaptecs web site. They have their own forum.

-- leebo (, November 20, 2000.

Thanks Leebo

I have been over att Adaptecs forum but without any success. Could you please help me with software I should use? I have tried to create a *.mpg with Xing Encoder from a *.bmp file but it refuses to do this if I havent got any sound clip included. I have also imported a *.bmp file into Premiere and exported it through the Panasonic encoder as a Video CD *.mpg file. But Easy CD refuses to acceppt this file.

Any help is very much appriciated.


-- Hans (, November 21, 2000.

You need a software package called WinOnCD or Nero

-- AL (, November 21, 2000.

I have succesfully used the Xing encoder to turn BMPs to an MPEG1 stream. The BMP files have to be numbered (i.e. DSC001.bmp, DCS027.bmp). They don't have to be sequentional. I have included a note from Xing support that got me going.

-Bob Hello! Thanks for getting back to me. It seems that making a VCD or a mpeg movie from still images are two sepearte functions. I have included the instructions for making a VCD from images. Let me know what happens. Take care.

To create a single still image file, you must use the VideoCD Stream Profile and include an audio source. The Audio length determines the duration of playback.

1 From the Job Wizard - Select a Stream Profile window, select a VideoCD Stream Profile.

2 Click the Next button.

Choose a stream type

Select the System Stream Type.

Identify your source still file

Click the Browse button and use the down arrow in the Files of type field to open the Stills files or type in the full path of the still file name.

Click the Browse button or type in the full path of the Audio Filename.

Name your target file

Depending on the source files selected, a default Target Filename may appear. To prevent overwriting a source file, the Target Filename field may be left blank. In this case, click the Browse button to access your files or type in the full path of the Target Filename (maximum 250 characters).

Send the job to the job queue

Click the Finish button. The job is placed automatically in the Job Queue.

-- Bob Peret (, December 19, 2000.

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