Holiday haiku :-) : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

Pausing to give thanks
For all my many blessings.
YOU are among them! :-)

-- Gayla (, November 18, 2000


Across the miles, We gather here in friendship, again - thankfully.

-- (thesonofdust@thank.ful), November 18, 2000.

Fried turkey and yams, Pecan pie smile on my face Cajun Thanksgiving!


-- Lon Frank (, November 19, 2000.

Well, y'all are about 6 weeks late... but that's the way it goes when you don't have 6 months of winter :-)


A grateful people

Gather to feast and rejoice,

A wonder-full time!


-- Tricia the Canuck (, November 20, 2000.

Happy Thanksgiving!

May all here enjoy family

Food, warmth, friends and Life!


Clear and cold the dawn

Immense blue sky streaked pink/gold

Beauty for the soul.


-- Tricia the Canuck (, November 23, 2000.

I just figured out
Why I love this place so much.
The writing talent!

-- Gayla (, November 24, 2000.

Monday already!
Back to the regular 'grind'.
Three more weeks of school. :-)

-- Gayla (, November 27, 2000.

You can see it's all a show,

keep 'em laughing as you go.

Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

-- number six (, November 27, 2000.

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