USB Video Capture : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I've been looking at devices by Belkin and D-Link. They capture at 352x240 /288 (NTSC/PAL). Does anyone use these products and have any complaints/raves about them?? I dont have much money (I'm a student) so a nice ultra-cheap solution like this would be great since I have plenty of time to encode and space to store.Comments?
-- FunOne (, November 17, 2000
Are you taking advantage of academic pricing? As a student you qualify for great software and hardware discounts from several of the leading manufacturers. For Pinnacle/Miro products check out For software check out Pinnacle's Miro Video DC30 Pro is available at student version for about $430. @ Journey ed. I've used that program at school and it works well with fact it comes with a full version of it, plus other editing software. Good luck!
-- Bonnie Jacobson (, February 09, 2001.