Florida vote fraud?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

With 2% of the vote left to count, Bush was ahead by about 58,000. After the tally, he's only ahead by 300. This is said to be statistically impossible. Where's the analysis of this anomoly?

-- john littmann (littmannj@aol.com), November 17, 2000


One answer...

The experts said VNS's computer tabulations were flashing numbers that made a Gore victory seem virtually impossible. Gawiser said they showed Bush with a 55,000 vote lead with only 102,000 votes left to be counted.

Both those numbers proved to be wrong. Shortly after the networks called the race, word came in that because of a computer glitch in Volusia County, Bush's lead had been overestimated by nearly 25,000 votes. The projection of the total uncounted vote also proved to be too low.

See the thread below yours.

http://hv.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl? msg_id=0045RE

-- Peg (pegmcleod@mediaone.net), November 17, 2000.

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