Recommend good quality capturing video card : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I would appreciate very much if anyone can recommend a good quality capturing video card or device for VCD, Mpeg1 and Mpeg2 format.

-- Alan Sim (, November 16, 2000


I want to suggest you Matrox G400 Marvel. Quite good video card and very good capture (full hardware MJPEG compresion) card.

-- Wojtek K (, November 17, 2000.

I've 3 capture card (broadway 2.53, vcdplus2.1, vcdplus2.3) and I fell You can try use VCD Plus from Aviosys International (, the quality is good than broadway (MPEG1 vcd system), but for vcdplus2.3 the drivers is not finally.

-- kimcua (, November 18, 2000.

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