CD-Rom cannot detect the VCD disc from HK....... : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a Hewlet Packard CD Writer CD-Rom Drive and a 500 Hz Pentium III processor. But when I put the VCD I bought from HK into the drive, whenever I click on the Drive it saids "Drive not accessible". I can't even see the files on the disc. I heard something about the prosvcd player, but I went to the website and it costs about $50 dollars! Is there any solution?

Thank you

-- Ada Chiu (, November 16, 2000


What sort of VCD from HK? The illegal ones? Those discs are hard to read on some cd-rom drive. People in HK, when they buy CD-ROM drive, they ask about this feature from the shop. Normally the ASUS CD-ROM drive can read poor quality CD quite well. If the disc is not readable, no player you install will read it.

-- Rusman E. Priyana (, November 16, 2000.

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