Hillary has filed for divorce. Now who will pay for the $1million home in New York? Would the moral upright citizens of N Y have elected her if they

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knew about it? I guess they deserve each other. What does bill get out of this? (the sh ft?) Al least Mr. Lazio had the decency not to make this an election issue if he knew.

-- Rod (Rod@truth.gom), November 15, 2000


Link please.

-- (link@if.you please), November 15, 2000.

Rod, you are a lying asshole.

-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 15, 2000.

It's painfully apparent you know little to nothing about NY politics. Allow me to enlighten you (though I am by no means an expert, I do have the advantage of having lived there for 40 years). Let's assume (without a source of reference, of course) that Hillary has, in fact, filed for divorce (wonder why it took her so long? but I digress...).

Now who will pay for the $1million home in New York?

If I had to guess (and I do), I'd say she will. You are aware that she does have her own money, and she does have her own job, aren't you? Or is a woman who can support herself a "foreign concept" to you?

Would the moral upright citizens of N Y have elected her if they knew about it?

And just why do you think this would have made a difference? You see, NYers tend to look at ISSUES not PERSONAL AFFAIRS. (And by "affairs" I didn't mean the obvious; though they don't much care about THOSE either.)

But can you sit there and examine your own life and find utter perfection? You seem to be quite good at judging others' lives; hell, you've judged an entire 16+ million people in the state of NY with your line "the moral upright citizens...". I'll just bet you call yourself a Christian, don't you?

I guess they deserve each other.

Yes they do, but not in the way you mean it. {{snicker}}

What does bill get out of this? (the sh ft?)

If Hillary has half a brain (and I do believe she does), a kick in the ass as far as I'm concerned would be the LEAST of old Bill's problems :-)

Al least Mr. Lazio had the decency not to make this an election issue if he knew.

Uh huh. And yet you were wondering what NYers would have done if they had known. Did you know Lazio's predecessor in the race, Guiliani, cheated on HIS wife? NYers didn't much care about that either, though sympathies did run kind of high for his wife. They separated, and I do believe divorce proceedings are in their cards.

Call me a prophet(ess) :-)

So, "Rod", you ever gonna give us that source for your "story"?

-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.

You're 40, plus? Shhhhhhh. Wouldn't have guessed.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), November 15, 2000.

You are most kind, my friend. I'll be 41 in January.

I get that "surprise" alot; but it's usually in the form of "You're lying!!".

Uh, yeah, like I'm going to lie UP.

-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.


You laugh now, but my mogul brother's best mogul buddy got a fake ID - for the senior discounts!

As to 'Rod's' source, mebbe Buddy squealed.

-- flora (***@__._), November 15, 2000.

Hey Link Please Is this a double standard? The Democrats do not hesitate to make outrageous charges and to slander Public Officials they do not agree with without any proof or source. Why hold the other side to a higher standard? I heard a reference to it on a Talk Radio Program but do not get that program in my area so could not remember it. I did not know that proof would be required.

-- Lt. Colombo (Detective@wondering.unknown), November 15, 2000.

Kentucky Fried Chicken has come up with a new promotion in New York


it comes with 6 pieces of chicken 2 small breasts

2 large thighs

2 left wings

All proceeds to go to the Democratic Liberation Fund

-- Monica (not@Linda's.Trip), November 15, 2000.

Uh, yeah, like I'm going to lie UP.

Just curious, Patricia, but what are the advantages of lying DOWN regarding our age? It's much more flattering to say, "I'll be 61 in January." and have folks say, "Gee, you don't look a day over 40!" than to say, "I'll be 39 in January." and have folks THINK "Dang, what the hell has she done to herself?" [grin]

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), November 15, 2000.

flora, the funniest is watching the looks on people's faces; they honestly believe I'm lying. I've never quite understood it, but your example certainly makes sense ;-) FWIW, I haven't been asked for ID in years.....sigh.....

Lt. Columbo ..... oh nevermind. Sheesh.

-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.

Well, Anita, I don't quite get that either. About the only time I ever lied about my age was when I was a teenager and I'd lie to get into the bar (never had fake ID or anything, but this was the 1970s and things were a bit more lax). But I've known a couple of women (and a couple of men) who lie about their ages, making themselves "younger" than they are.

-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.

On election day I predicted (my son is my witness) that inside a week we'd be hearing about them getting a divorce. Whether or not it is true, I don't know. I was thinking that if she wanted to be mean about it she would wait until January 20th, so that there would be no period when he would be President with a license to fool around. But then, that never stopped him anyway.

From: Politics, à la Carte by Dancr (pic), near Monterey, California

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), November 16, 2000.

Hey Link Please Is this a double standard?

No it isn't. If you heard a reference to a radio talk program, you should have said it, that's all.


-- (pardon@me for.asking), November 16, 2000.

Why on earth would anyone believe this bullshit for one second? Dancr I can understand, this stupid bitch will buy into any conspiracy that comes down the pike but the rest of you need to be head slapped. The next time you read crap like this just cruise over to the CNN site and confirm. Shades of Y2K for sure. Drop the glue Tracie and move away from your keyboard.

-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 16, 2000.

The following sentence from Dancr's post perhaps escaped your attention: "Whether or not it is true, I don't know."

-- David L (bumpkin@dnet.net), November 16, 2000.

That has to be an imposter "i have spoken".

has to be

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), November 16, 2000.

Divorce as conspiracy... That's a new one on me.

From: Politics, à la Carte by Dancr (pic), near Monterey, California

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), November 17, 2000.

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