Group work for first and second years using choice theory? : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

I am working with targeted (D.o E. 8-15 ESLI pilot) groups of potential early school leavers from first and second year (secondary level). I would like to introduce choice theory to those students in a group setting. Are there any resources available that would be of help in designing such a programme? Any programmes??

Maire Murphy

-- Maire Murphy (, November 15, 2000


The most wonderful book on this is one that is aimed at students just like yours. It was written by Pamala fox in 1996 and is called "teaching Control Theory in the High School Classroom".It is a collection of material she used to teach English, and choice theory, to a Group of students in Oregan U.S.A. all of whom wished to drop out. At that time Pamela lived at 1192, Harritt N.W. Salem, OR. 97304, U.S.A. However I believe she has moved since, possibly to North Carolina. The problem comes because she published her bok privately indeed it's more of a bound photocopy, and I don't know if she still has copies. Failing everything you could posibly use Carleen Glasser's books and build them up but really they are aimed at fairly low primary school level. The drug programme: "Sam's Brain" has a video tape component to teach C.T. to young teenagers.The W.G.I.I. office in Malahide should be able to help you with the latter two items but they would not have Pam's Book.Sorry I couldnt be more helpfull, If you are determined to do what you are thinking of you could put a programme together from "choice Theory "and "Reality Therapy" and I would be mad interested in that.

-- ken lyons (, December 01, 2000.

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