Where to buy subtitled VCD's

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I'm looking for these movies: "The killer", "A chinese ghost Story", "Dragons Forever" "A better tomorrow" All of them subtitled in english

I already checked out sensasian.com, yesasia.com and other vcd-retailers. But they only sell these movies without the english subtitles.

Can someone please help me?

-- Lomme (chanfanbe@yahoo.com), November 15, 2000


Try Webjade.com. Most of their VCD's are subtitled. You can rent from them (like Netflix) or you can purchase them.

-- Steve (sdtran@hotmail.com), November 15, 2000.

Try www.coolvcd.com

-- rocket (rochek16@hotmail.com), November 18, 2000.

Rochek, you seem to be actively promoting coolvcd. I have been running into your cheap posts all over the place. So for the last time, you guys from coolvcd, please stop the distasteful ads pretending to be some satisfied customer. Why don't you just admit that you're Elaine and that you're too cheap to buy some real ads for your site.

-- Kehcor (falseID@coolvcd.com), November 19, 2000.

Try www.original-cds.com

-- Lim (videos@hotmail.com), November 23, 2000.

I have VCDs, Karaoke VCDs...i can give them to you for $9 each including mail within the US

-- pete chin (durchinuSA@aol.com), December 20, 2000.

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