Gore Desperation Move: Recruit *500* LAWYERS to Decend on South Florida! Just what we need, MORE LAWYERS!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Gore Campaign Recruiting LawyersThe Associated Press Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2000; 10:48 p.m. EST
TALLAHASSEE BB Al Gore's supporters, seeking to recruit lawyers to help with its vote recount efforts in south Florida, asked a national group that works closely with trial lawyers around the country to help.
The president of the group said Tuesday night the group doesn't plan to act on the request.
The request was passed along on the Internet E-mail list of the National Association of Trial Lawyer Executives (NATLE) by the executive director of the group, Kathleen Wilson, suggesting they pass along the request to lawyers on the Internet E-mail lists they're on.
The E-mail said the Gore campaign was requesting volunteers for the recount in Volusia, Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. The E-mail said "they are comfortable that Palm Beach County is under control."
"They anticipate that they will need at least 500 lawyer-volunteers, primarily in (Miami-Dade) and Broward counties," the note said, adding they were requesting only lawyer volunteers.
Gore campaign spokesman Doug Hattaway said he didn't know details about the e-mail for lawyers, but acknowledged an active effort to recruit lawyers to help with the recount.
"We have a number of attorneys volunteering to observe the county process and interview voters who have complaints," he said.
Penny Gold, president of the organization, which includes many executive directors and other officials with lawyer groups, said the E-mail was "just an informational thing that got passed along."
"We haven't done anything with it," she said, adding that she knew of no plans to act on it.
B) Copyright 2000 The Associated Press
[A HREF="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/aponline/20001114/aponline224849_001.htm">GORE DESPERATION: Recruiting 500 Lawyers!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000
GORE DESPERATION: Recruiting 500 Lawyers!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000.
So it's okay for the Republicans to have lawyers, but not the Democrats?
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 15, 2000.
So it's okay for the Republicans to have lawyers, but not the Democrats?FIVE HUNDRED OF 'EM ???????????????????????
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000.
(Futile, I know; but it's my specialty.)
"The president of the group said Tuesday night the group doesn't plan to act on the request."
So what part of that statement do you not understand?
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.
"The president of the group said Tuesday night the group doesn't plan to act on the request."I'm sure you have a point here.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000.
Can you tell me what it is?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000.
If "...the group doesn't plan to act on the request..." then where are the "*500* LAWYERS ... Decend[ing] on South Florida" coming from?
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.
then where are the "*500* LAWYERS ... Decend[ing] on South Florida" coming from?*500* LAWYERS to Decend on South Florida!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000.
Yes, as it is written above (by you?), "to descend" implies (to me, anyway) that they WILL "descend".
So where are they descending FROM?
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.
Taps foot impatiently and replies "WELL"?
-- sumer (shh@aol.com), November 15, 2000.
The E-mail said the Gore campaign was requesting volunteers for the recount in Volusia, Miami-Dade and Broward Counties."They anticipate that they will need at least 500 lawyer-volunteers, primarily in (Miami-Dade) and Broward counties," the note said, adding they were requesting only lawyer volunteers.
Try reading the damn article! Man!
So where are they descending FROM? Ask Gore. How should I know?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000.
clean up
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000.
-- (the m@i.d), November 15, 2000.
Try reading the damn article! Man!So where are they descending FROM? Ask Gore. How should I know?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com),
Little 'testy' today arent we?
Hee hee.
YOU SHOULD KNOW, as close as you are in watching all this stuff.
-- (shh@aol.com), November 15, 2000.
I DID read "the damn article" and I'm a woman.
That still does not explain the obvious discrepancy between the TITLE, "Gore Desperation Move: Recruit *500* LAWYERS to Decend on South Florida!" and the fact that the article seems to indicate that there will not be "500 lawyers [descending] on South Florida".
The point I've made here is that **your title is intentionally misleading**.
And you complain about Democratic mis-statements, and mis- representations, and cheating, and lying.....how many freaking threads have you posted to this effect in the past week alone?
Do you honestly not see hypocrisy here?
Does THAT clarify it now?
P.S. Don't yell at me.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.
Warren Mitofsky's Florida exit polls had it right after all.Florida voters went for Gore. It was the voting machines that were wrong when they threw out tens of thousands of ballots -- more than all of Ralph Nader's 92,000 Florida votes. And that's NOT counting the 19,000 ballots thrown out due to the voting irregularities caused by the Palm Beach County "butterfly" ballot. There were an additional 11,000 Palm Beach ballots thrown out for "under voting," i.e., no presidential vote registered on them because they were not completely punched through -- the "hanging chad problem," and the machines could not read them. With Bush leading Gore by less than 400 votes, the Bush machine is moving heaven and earth to stop the hand count of ballots that would, evidence shows, give the election to Gore.
The news media for the most part have not made it clear to the public that Palm Beach board is NOT proposing to count the "over votes," i.e., the thousands of votes that were punched twice due to the confusing design of the ballot -- despite Bush attempts to imply that they are.
Warren Mitofsky heads the Voter News Service (VNS), the exit poll operation subscribed to by most of the news media, which called Florida for Gore at 8:15 p.m. on election night based on interviews conducted with voters as they left the polls. "I've done over 3,000 elections over thirty years," the professorial Mitofsky told the Lehrer Newshour, "and have called it wrong only five times in all that time." Mitofsky, who has been taking a beating in the media, may be exonerated -- but he may not be if Bush's lawyers succeed in stopping the manual count. And they are playing for keeps.
Now we've learned the astonishing news that George W. Bush's first cousin John Ellis, a producer in the political shop at the Republican- dominated Fox News Channel, was the one who pronounced Bush the president-elect at 2:16 a.m., November 8, based on the erroneous vote count at that time. That gave Bush the advantage of seeming the dethroned but rightful king. Republicans and the media, led by Tim Russert and the partisan Chris Matthews joined Republicans to demand that Gore "concede gracefully." Yet, not until Tuesday, November 14, did the New York Times and the Washington Post spell out to their readers Ellis's questionable involvement in the naming of the next president of the United States, including being in constant communication with his cuzzes Jeb and W., Auntie Bar, and Unca George that night. The Times's story appears deep inside the paper, and in the Post, in the "Style" section. The major media are so frightened of being labeled "liberal media elites," by Republicans that they skew and modulate their reporting to avoid the charge.
James Baker, III ("the third stands for the three coverups he's handled for the Bush family so far, not including this one," writes Internet activist J.M. Prince), has been spinning madly, but even he may not be able to put this one over on the American people, despite his past love affair with the "elite" media. There's a lot of information out there. And, unlike the financial and legal details of Whitewater, this is one the public, and even the media, show evidence that they understand. Support for the process is shrinking a bit, however, mainly due to the successful PR efforts of the Bush cabal who relentlessly pound away with untruthful claims.
Baker says that manual counts are less accurate than machine counts, and hints at corruption among the Palm Beach County voting officials. But Florida election officials, and many others around the country vehemently dispute that, saying that manual recounts are often taken to resolve problems in close elections. It is well established that computer glitches give inaccurate counts for a variety of reasons, in the Florida case because of incompletely punched ballots that didn't register properly. And as Baker knows very well, the recount will take place with Democrats and Republicans and all manner of other officials monitoring it closely, as was the case with Palm Beach's earlier sample recount of under votes that showed significant differences with the machine recount.
Baker and Company hope to paint Gore as a whining poor loser by saying that Gore wants "recount after recount after recount." But the only recount taken so far was the machine recount automatically triggered by Florida election law because of the closeness of the original count. And that recount reduced Bush's lead from about 1800 votes to 327, an 85 percent drop.
Florida law allows the counties and Gore to ask for a manual count of the votes, and a sampling recount of several precincts began in Palm Beach County and two other counties on Friday. However, Bush asked the Federal District Court in Southern Florida to stop the recounts -- despite Bush's own request on Friday for a manual recount that was taken in another Florida county. (It helped Bush and Karen Hughes wouldn't say whether they would accept the votes or not.) The hypocrisy doesn't stop eminence gris Baker from trying to spin the country for the Bushes. The request to bar manual recounts was rejected by Federal Judge Donald Middlebrooks, but Florida's Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, a George W. Bush supporter who campaigned for him, ordered all voting results to be in her office by 5 p.m. Tuesday, November 14, which if upheld, would end any manual vote recount in Florida. And would, by all signs, hand the election to Bush.
Baker has said repeatedly that he "was in the room" when former President Gerald R. Ford decided he would not contest his 1976 defeat by Democrat Jimmy Carter. Carter had 297 electoral votes, however, and won the popular vote by 1,682,970 while Ford had only 240 electoral votes. Does Houston corporate lawyer Baker really think he can revise history before our very eyes. A veteran political reporter remembers, "That wasn't even much of a story at the time."
Today, Baker today is trying to fool the nation into believing that the lawsuits filed by Florida citizens were in fact filed by the Gore camp.
But there is a danger that Gore could lose the PR battle. Baker has been joined in that aspect of this political war by Ted Olson who argued and lost before Middlebrooks. Olson was the chief architect of the Machiavellian and successful conjoining of the Whitewater witchhunt and Paula Jones charges which led to Clinton's impeachment. Olson's efforts in Arkansas and in Washington were funded by the right-wing scion of the Mellon fortune, Richard Mellon Scaife, whose billions have funded every single one of the assaults on the the Clinton administration, including the ongoing effort by Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch to disbar Bill Clinton. (And Olson's wife Barbara was one of the most poisonous anti-Clinton TV commentators.)
This political drama closely resembles the uncertain playing out of Nixon's coverup of his Watergate crimes. No one knew whether the system would work in that crisis, but it did. Now we shall see if the system still works.
-- M.D. (m@d.net), November 15, 2000.
**your title is intentionally misleading**The title is accurate. *500* LAWYERS to Decend Is very descriptive.
Once again...ONE MORE TRY....
"They anticipate that they will need at least 500 lawyer-volunteers, primarily in (Miami-Dade) and Broward counties," the note said, adding they were requesting only lawyer volunteers.
and I'm a woman. Yea? SOOOO?
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 15, 2000.
-- (off@off.com), November 15, 2000.
I'll just say this much .....
..... oh, nevermind. Calm yourself before you burst a blood vessel for crying out loud.
Like any of this actually has an effect on any of us.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.
Re "Warren Mitofsky's Florida exit polls had it right after all.", source please?
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.
The title is accurate. *500* LAWYERS to Decend Is very descriptive^^^^ AGAIN, ONE MORE FRICKIN TIME......
WHERE ARE THEY DECENDING FROM? Simple question, now blow a gasket, pleeaaassseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Passes Mar a blood pressure pill.
-- (shit@disturber.com), November 15, 2000.
"The world may never know....."
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 15, 2000.
MD,Florida voters went for Gore. It was the voting machines that were wrong when they threw out tens of thousands of ballots --
And you know this how? Mental predictive osmosis? The machines were wrong, so, by that reasoning we should throw out ALL of the machine counted ballots across the entire USA?
"I've done over 3,000 elections over thirty years," the professorial Mitofsky told the Lehrer Newshour, "and have called it wrong only five times in all that time."
Uh-huh. WTF does that have to do with anything? Am I to believe that he could call an election this close because he has a good track record? OK, sure, why not. He can add soothsayer to his resume.
James Baker, III ("the third stands for the three coverups he's handled for the Bush family so far, not including this one," writes Internet activist J.M. Prince)...
LOL, let's see here, how can I attack someone while I remain bloodless? Oh, I know, I'll quote someone else's attack, that way I can float it out there so that the mud sticks, while I will seem to remain above the fray. It is a fine example of high school antics at their worst, a guy who doesn't like a certain girl spreads the following rumor: "Tommy says she is a slut".
And the paragraph about Bush's cousin calling the race for Bush! What twaddle! If you read only this paragraph without knowing the history of that night you might think "How terrible". But somehow the writer completely forgets that the race in Florida was called for Gore only hours earlier! I could continue, but really, why bother. The left wing bias of this messy nonsense is clear for anyone to see.
-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), November 15, 2000.
Here ya go Unk. Open those bloodshot eyes of yours.Bush Family Values
-- All the news (that's@fit.to.print), November 15, 2000.
Got a question for ya Unk. If the election has come down to some 300 machine tabulated votes, how in the hell could Dubya say "Jeb has assured me I've won Florida" (I think the term the newspapers used was "done deal")No wonder they hauled ass to the governors mansion and circled the wagons after that exit polling.
-- ??? (@ .), November 15, 2000.
Gimme a link Q-mark, I don't recall W saying that.
-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), November 15, 2000.
Hey Unc....WTF is a twaddle?
inquiring mind wanna no.
-- (shh@aol.com), November 17, 2000.
Twaddle is a nice word for HORSESHIT! So, because of that, I would guess that "a twaddle" is a singular clod of horseshit, as opposed to the entire pile. Since the essay I was critical of was a pile of HORSESHIT, I used the word twaddle without an "a" in front of it, to indicate that the essay was a pile of horseshit, rather than just a clod of horseshit.
-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), November 17, 2000.
Did we ever get a source for the Warren Mitofsky-titled article posted above?
Still wondering.............
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 17, 2000.
Tapping foot, and responds "No Pat, we have now moved on...to bigger and better....HORSEY SHIT".Leans back and watches the fun.
-- (shh@aol.com), November 20, 2000.
How true, 'sumer.....how true.
(Sits back with her.....)
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), November 20, 2000.
Let's have some Ripple gals.
Passing the bottle!
-- Peg (pegmcleod@mediaone.net), November 20, 2000.
ohhhh my fav.....Ripple Latte?
-- (shh@aol.com), November 20, 2000.