Have Sony trv520 and need pc editing software any suggestions.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I have a Sony trv520 dig-8 and am looking for a quality software package for my pc. do mostly short videos and commercials for my church so if I can avoid a purchase of an IMAC I would be better off finacially...any suggestions.thanks

-- Jeff Mucci (stkmygame@aol.com), November 14, 2000


I bought a trv520 with a firewire board or my PC. The board came with Ulead software which does a very nice job with making short AVI productions. Be sur you have a large hard disc (>10G) and plenty of RAM (256M). It will work fine with less but the larger the productions the bigger capacity you will need.

Enjoy. Rik van der Vaart

-- Rik van der Vaart (rik44@hotmail.com), December 20, 2000.

I got the same Sony TRV520 and I borrowed an iMac to edit my video on it. It works great. A great feature is that I can put my old analog Hi8 tape in it and let the software capture it in digital format. This is because the TRV520 encode the analog video into digital in real time when it sends it thru the Firewire port to the iMac. After editing, I save the polished video back on DIGITAL 8 TAPE.

However, I have only PCs at home (one MMX-233 and one P2-266Mhz). Can Dirck (or someone) tell whether these computers are powerful enough to do video editing on it? I forgot to mention both have 64K RAM each. I know that I have to add a Firewire card to my system. I can add very big UDMA hard drives in them if needed.

Please help. Thanks

-- kiem (kiemnguyen@yahoo.com), January 12, 2001.


-- kiem (kiemnguyen@yahoo.com), January 12, 2001.

I currently use a Sony DCR-trv310 (about to purchase a Canon GL-1) and I use Adobe Premiere on a Mac G4. If you have the drive space, however, and a firewire port you should be able to use Premiere 5.1c or 6.0 on the PC. Be careful with other packages that you use in relation to audio syncronization on longer projects. Longer meaning 12-15 minutes plus. I have had problems with other software in that area. Someone correct me if you have heard info to the contrary. Good Luck.

-- Anthony Simuel (info@imageandaudio.com), February 10, 2001.

Oh, I did purchase the Studio DV card and software (for 99 US$)and install in my 266Mhz system. After installing the card and the software per instruction manual, it works right the first time. I have edited about 20 hours of my old Hi8 tapes and saved them in digital 8 format. I have also put many of my home vides on Video CD (which can be played on stand alone DVD players). This is quite a great and useful hobby, I learned so much in the last few months in this digital video arena.

-- kiem (kiemnguyen@yahoo.com), April 06, 2001.

I have a Sony TRV520 and recently I installed a IEEE1394 card. But when I connect TRV520 to PC I get a message "Connection with the devise is lost or check cable again". iam using Sony picture gear4.1 as the editing software. Could some one tell me what Iam supposed to do. Thanks

-- Srini Vasan (srini1958@netscape.net), May 28, 2002.

I actually want to use this camcorder as a pass-through for making digital videos from my vcr. Any suggestions?

-- kurt miller (kurtbmiller@yahoo.com), June 01, 2002.

The TRV520 will import via I link directly into Avid DV Express. The software will control the camera directly and does a nice job. Or if Avid is to much expense try capturing with an ATI All in Wonder Radeon AGP video card and editint the mp2 file with Video Factory.

-- Jack Baker (jacklb@mtncom.com), October 09, 2003.

Necesitaría si me pueden pasar el programa del picturegear 4.1, que lo extravie y no puedo bajar las fotos de mi videocamara- Desde ya muchas gracias.

-- Jorge Silván (jsilvan@uolsinectis.com.ar), January 15, 2005.

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