digibeta to 35mm transfer issues

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

I am about to shoot a feature on digi-beta with the intention of transfer to 35mm. I want to cover all the issues re lighting, contrast ratios etc. We will have top gear. I have an excellent DOP (I'm the director) but I'm keen to speak his language. Come on all you pros, share your secrets...

-- habro (karmik@ihug.co.nz), November 14, 2000


I think that if you plan on shooting a movie it should be shot with film then transfered to digibeta, do the edit and special fx then transfer it onto 35mm film, you wont get distribution if you go digital to 35mm, digital is inferior to film. Good luck!

-- secret (atc1scene40@aol.com), April 07, 2003.

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