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greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Would you rather beat the Makems and come 8th in the league or lose and get a Champions' League place?

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000


Beat the Mackems and qualify for the UEFA instead. Losing 2 years on the trot is unthinkable.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

I'd go for the Champs league spot....although it'd break my heart to lose to them i'd much rather we were a better team.....let them chew on that.....

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

What use is a Champions League place to a side that can't beat a troop of monkeys? Stuff the bastards.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

I'd rather beat the mackems than go to Europe,

I'd rather beat the mackems than go to Europe

oh I'd rather beat the mackems,

rather beat the mackems,

rather beat the mackems than go to Europe. MONKEY HEED!!!!!

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

"I'd rather beat the Mackems than go to Europe" is a bit tricky to sing.

How about "I'd rather win the derby than the cup"?

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

I wish everyone on the BBS could sit together: we'd get some canny songs going.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

Dougal....we do all sit together......virtually!

I'd rather stuff the Makems.......we are not ready for another tilt at the CL yet.....another year or so yes.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

Would you rather lose 9-2 and take the title?

It HAS happened!

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

Oh aye, but even getting knocked out early would give us MONEY. Which we need.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

lose at St.James', massacre them at Stade de Merde, qualify for CL. That'll do me.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

Oh aye, but even getting knocked out early would give us MONEY. Which we need.

But morale takes a hell of a battering in those kind of circumstances. I'd rather stuff them home and away, win one of the cups and get into the Eufa Cup.....move onto the incorrectly named CL the following season.........toddle......walk.......run......jump

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

Ahh but Ken the implied question at the top was would you rather beat them and have a season where you do nothing or rather lose and get into the champs league....

So the option is....lose and champs league or beat em home and away, win no cups, no european place and finish 8th.....

Would you still go for the wins against them?

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

Champs League for me. Who the f*&k are the mackems?

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

I can't even contemplate losing to the primates. There's more to it than life 'n death - to bastardise a quote from one, William Shankly.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

I'm surprised at you Clarky..... willing to sacrifice the well-being of the club for one moment of satisfaction.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

If we could qualify for the champs league at the expense of MAN U, then I could live with a defeat against the maKems at St James, as long as we stuff them at the SOL.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2000

Head says CL, heart says wop the dirty mackems. This one's from the heart - massacre the twots.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

We have to beat the Makems, can't face returning home to the hubby and Makem in-laws with anything less than a victory !

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

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