Looking for a dvd-player that reads mpeg1 files (no vcd)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Many dvd-players can read vcd's. That's nice. But this would be nicer: a dvd-player that reads cd-r's (no vcd format) with pure mpeg-1 files, like a computer does. Anybody who has find such a player, please let me know!

-- Paul Bronkhorst (p.j.abronkhorst@freeler.nl), November 11, 2000


The Apex AD-660 will play mpeg-1 files. However you will have no playback control. Once you start the file playing it has to finish or start over. The player will however play DVD, SVCD, VCD and MP3 discs on cd-r or cdrw media with full player control.

-- Just Me (educ8inokc@excite.com), November 12, 2000.

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