Open letter to Democratic Party Officials and Al Gore. As a white middle class citizen, you have effectively stolen the Democrat Party from me and other citizens who are not members of some special interest group. Although your compassion for the poor : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
commendable, it has gone far beyond the level of reasonable. The emphasis on rights for minority groups, blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, illegal immigrants, persons who are Politically Correct has effectively taken away my rights and in actual practice the illegal immigrant who is not even a citizen is encouraged to vote for the Democrat party and ideas at my expense. I am upset, disgusted and have concluded that the Democrat party no longer represents me and other good citizens who are attempting to live under the current administration. The policy is alienate and divide. How is it possible that the elections were so close in so many different places. The Democrat party is famous for its expertise in vote fraud for the last 50 years so if they are committing massive fraud, why not steal 5 per cent more votes so that there is not all of this controversy and dissention. If we keep it up Janet Reno may declare Martial Law to restore order and achieve the real objectives of the powers that be.As a lifetime Democrat, my parents were also long term Democrats as this was the tradition in the South, I have decided that the party has left me and I am hereby filing for Divorce from this party by changing my voter regisration to the Republician Party. They are not perfect but at least they are not hypocrits about it. Many of my friends feel the same way. The election fraud in Palm Beach and the spin to try to hide the fraud under the label of confused ballots prepared by the Democrat Officials and the sloppy work of stealing more votes for Mr. Gore than the number of registered Democrats in Palm Beach County is incompetence at its highest level. Not only did the effort fail but it embarrassed the party and eliminated what little credibility that the party did have until that fiasco. The Party does not even apply good judgement to try to promote the goals that it claims to have. Is there a hidden agenda? Why don't you tell the people what it is? It is getting to the point that the only people voting for the Democrats are the people who expect to get financial benefits from the party. Eventually the well runs dry and the gravy train will end. Then what? Mass defections. Please fix the party before it is too late.
-- Thomas Paine (Tom@democrats.nothappy), November 11, 2000
>>>>>The Party does not even apply good judgement to try to promote the goals that it claims to have. Is there a hidden agenda? Why don't you tell the people what it is? It is getting to the point that the only people voting for the Democrats are the people who expect to get financial benefits from the party. Eventually the well runs dry and the gravy train will end. Then what? Mass defections. Please fix the party before it is too late. <<<<<Can we finally hope for a viable 3rd party to rise upon the ashes?? I hope so, the bullshit from both camps makes me sorry I bothered to vote this year.....
-- sick and (, November 11, 2000.
LOL "Thomas Paine" troll! That's funny, you, pretending to be a Democrat.Your style of rants are unmistably the same as the troll who posted all the others last night with the very long titles and no paragraph breaks.
Please don't feed the trolls.
-- heeeheeehee (you@funny.moron), November 11, 2000.
Thomas, you have crafted one of the finest, thoughtful insights on the current Democratic Machine that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. In this vast ignorant wasteland we live in there seems to be only few that manage to speak the REAL truth and fewer yet that understand it. This is not about Al Gore or George Bush. This is about the Democratic pimp masters who, after 8 years of unrestrained mayhem are not about to let go of the palace keys without a desperate, gloves-off fight. These are people who will trample the constitution and anyone in their way, to continue the master plan. These are people who are not all Americans and have no respect for our country. These are people that were so bold as to hire a telemarketing company out of Texas to stir the pot in West Palm Beach. These are people who were organizing the WPB protests LONG BEFORE THE WPB POLLS CLOSED.Can you thinking people see what is really going on here? Are some of you so blind as to ignore the obvious? Forget about GWB and the Republican camp. Focus on the real threat at hand and be honest with yourself. DonBt spend your energies trashing the messenger; instead take a closer look at what has always been right in front of your mindBthe message.
And Thomas, you neednBt blink an eye over the comments of the HeeHeeHee weenie. This drooler used to be a bird but he do not fly too well anymore
-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 11, 2000.
Mr. Paine sir I commend you for your clear and factual writings. You should however rethink your comments relating to the Democratic Party having compassion for the poor, as they could care less. What we call the Democratic Party or the Gore Team is in reality something else altogether. I have read some of the recent posts by I h@ve.spoken and this person, although somewhat abrasive, seems to have quite a grasp on the way things really are. Should this powerful cartel be given another fours years of control we are in for some ugly surprises. I will count on reading your future posts and of course the retorts that will surely follow.
-- Wizard (, November 11, 2000.
Mr. Wizard, you are obviously a person of high intellect and marvelous perception, although somewhat mundane.
-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 11, 2000.
Is it just me or does this thread bring masterbation to mind?
-- enola gay (howdydoody@, November 12, 2000.
Just you hand puppet, just you.
-- I (h@ve.spoken), November 12, 2000.