How can i make cd-i disks that : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
please can anyone tell me how i can make a vcd to work in a phillips cd-i. I have a win tv card,TMPG software and adaptec ver 4.But when i have encoded to mpeg-1 then burnt a cd with adaptec deluxe 4,put it in the cd-i and nothing happends all i am making is tea mats,can anyone help???
-- allan hall (, November 11, 2000
Have you got a Philips CD-I with a video cartridge? Did you choose the option CD-I in Adaptec Video CD Creator? Some problems disappears on my Philips CD-I using TMPG encoding. Try avi2vcd or another encoder. Philips CD-I can't read CD-RW. Some CD-R's will cause some problems too. I hope it will helps you!Paul Bronkhorst
-- Paul Bronkhorst (, November 11, 2000.
the winon cd program and video pack 4 both make every singlke vcd with the cdi info there to play it on.
-- Doug (, November 11, 2000.