More Democratic Sleaze...Wisconsin Style : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

But... but... if you "THINK"

Here in Milwaukee we have two TV stations with video footage of HIGHLY questionable election related acts.

VIDEO #1 A local NBC affiliate has it's camera positioned next to the electronic polling machine from a side view in a strongly favored Democratic voting district . A wall clock clearly shows the time at 8:37 while poll workers gleefully assist voters in inserting their vote sheets into the machine.

VIDEO #2 A camera crew has set up a concealed camera on the sidewalk aimed at a van with two people handing out packs of cigarettes to street people in from of a homeless shelter.

Another news story where a man was in line to vote and when it was his time the polling workers gave him two ballots instead of one because they thought he was a high school teacher voting for Gore due to the jacket he was wearing had a local school emblem on it.

Other polling sites had polling workers announcing if anyone came to vote for Bush they should "leave now".

The District Attorney E. Michael McCann is swamped with complaints.

In a state where the margin of victory for Gore was six thousand votes this becomes VERY significant.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 11, 2000


VIDEO #2 A camera crew has set up a concealed camera on the sidewalk aimed at a van with two people handing out packs of cigarettes to street people in from of a homeless shelter.

BTW This was confirmed to be Democrats buying votes for Gore.

Gore 2000 "No price to high to gain the Presidency"

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 11, 2000.

I don't condone it but "walking-around money" is nothing new.

-- Lars (, November 11, 2000.

But walking around money is illegal.

-- nothere nothere (, November 11, 2000.

As far as the clock, we all just shifted the clocks back to standard time on 10/29/2000. It is entirely possible that this clock was not turned back at that time. Show me the person responsible for that clock, and have that person tell me he definately put it back an hour on or after 10/29/2000.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), November 11, 2000.

In a state where the margin of victory for Gore was six thousand votes this becomes VERY significant.

Which is EXACTLY the situation in Florida that you've been bitching about for days. And the margin in Florida is FAR less than 6,000 votes, as you well know. Funny how your perspective, tone and indignation changes when it's *your* candidate involved.

If a recount is called for in Wisconsin, I say "go for it." My interest is in a true and accurate accounting. Period.

-- By (, November 11, 2000.

BTW This was confirmed to be Democrats buying votes for Gore.

Okay, Ain't, you got us. Let's throw out all FIVE votes since the whole election depends on them. And while we're at it, let's throw out all the votes in Florida where Alzheimer patients in GOP precincts were bussed into the polls. Hell, let's just cancel the whole damn election and name Clinton king.

-- Geez (You', November 11, 2000.

VIDEO #1 A local NBC affiliate has it's camera positioned next to the electronic polling machine from a side view in a strongly favored Democratic voting district . A wall clock clearly shows the time at 8:37 while poll workers gleefully assist voters in inserting their vote sheets into the machine.

No one who is in line is turned away when the polls close. If there are people still in line at the time the polls are closed, the doors are closed and no one else is allowed to get in line, however, they don't just turn you away because there were people ahead of you.

You're really reaching for this one.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, November 11, 2000.

>VIDEO #2 A camera crew has set up a concealed camera on the sidewalk aimed at a van with two people handing out packs of cigarettes to street people in from of a homeless shelter.

And the one of those two people (both of whom were from New York, not Wisconsin residents, temporarily here for the homeless registration campaign, BTW) whose idea it was to hand out the cigs had apologized within 24 hours and explained that it was her own idea, not the Gore campaign's or authorized by them. Not that that made it any less illegal -- she (and maybe the 2nd person -- I'm not sure) will be charged in Wisconsin court with violating state election law.

She should've taken the high road and promised the homeless big tax cuts after the election. That would've been okay.

-- No Spam Please (, November 12, 2000.

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