VNS just took away NM for Algore. Stick a fork in him he's done! : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

WABC radio just announced it.

Read it and weep libby pukes.

W is the pres-elect.

Algore is a loser.

WI and IA will be next with OR already headed to W.

FL won't even matter.

-- nothere nothere (, November 10, 2000


If true, it saddens my heart.

-- BeAfraid (, November 10, 2000.

Florida is a long way from being resolved. And then of course there is Missouri, and, hmmm... I wonder how many other states Gore could win, seeing how he got the popular vote.

-- go with the shrub strategy (!), November 10, 2000.

go with the shrub strategy (!)

Hmmmm... that has been the Gore strategy in Florida.I don't think it worked for him. Oh but I'm sure that will all change when the absentee votes come in from our armed service men and women. Ahhaahaaahhahhaaa! They L-O-V-E GORE and Clinton! Ahhhaaaahhhaaa!

-- Gore Lost The Election (, November 10, 2000.

"the Gore strategy in Florida"???

The recount in Florida was REQUIRED BY LAW, idiot.

-- (shrub@sucking.fool), November 10, 2000.

The recount in Florida was REQUIRED BY LAW

NOT recounting FOUR counties by hand isn't!

Ahhaahaaahhahhaaa! Put a fork in him! Ahhaahaaahhahhaaa!

-- Gore Lost The Election (, November 10, 2000.

"The recount in Florida was REQUIRED BY LAW, idiot."

In case you haven't been listening, Algore wants even more recounts.

You're the idiot, you schmuck!

-- nothere nothere (, November 10, 2000.

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