Long Distance Digital Camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I am looking for a Digital Camera that can capture image range up to 2000 Meters. What kind of camera or lens i have to use ?

Thank You.

-- Lim Henry (henry@dutakreasi.co.id), November 10, 2000


They'll all capture an image up to 2Km away, it'll just be a smaller image with some cameras than others. ;^)
OK, that's the smartass answer out of the way. I think the Sony cameras have the longest focal length zooms of any of the digicams, but this is really the wrong forum, try asking on the imaging-resource site.

-- Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk), November 10, 2000.

If it's long focal length (ie large magnification) you need, Henry, then the best bet is likely to be one of the exchangeable lens SLRs from Canon, Fuji, Kodak or Nikon.

Dr Owl

-- John Owlett (owl@postmaster.co.uk), November 10, 2000.

For that far away, your best bet is a Canon or Kodak (based on Canon body) SLR so you can use the 1200 5.6 lens. If you want a closeup.

-- David (photoguy@the-photo-guy.com), November 16, 2000.

If you want close ups from 2000 meters. Atmospheric conditions will affect your image more than your optics. If your prepared to sell your house, Nikon makes a 2000 f11 mirror lens and a 1200-1800 5.6-8 zoom (there both custom order items, you pay upfront and then they deliver when it's finished).

It may be more practical to find an adapter for either a telescope or a fieldscope (you should be able to get one to work with a Nikon D1, not sure about other models). The optics won't be as good (and the lens will be "slower") but unless you have a "military" budget that may be your only reasonable choice.

-- Geoffrey S. Kane (grendel@pgh.nauticom.net), November 17, 2000.

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