I know where to get the winoncd 3.7 pe, but i don't know how to create a menu or vcd w/ it. Is there a tutorial somewhere?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Ok i know where to get WinOnCd 3.7 pro edit. but i am having troubles making menus. Adaptec cd creator is easy for me to follow but does not work on my computer due to the issues with Xing Mpeg encoder and ATI all in wonder cards. So does anyone know if there is a tutorial to how to make menus and chapters in WinonCD? Or does anyone know where i can download video pack 4?www.ddl-warez.com for winoncd 3.7 its in archive 3 or 4
-annoyed lil bugger
-- annoyed lil bugger (ammodium@hotmail.com), November 09, 2000
you have to downpload the service pack for the 3.7 at their own website http://www.cequadrat.com/index1.php3 (go to "support" then click on service pack on the left side and look for win on 3.7 PE). when you do this this will upgrqade it to allow you to make the vcd with menus and all.
-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), November 09, 2000.