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If Florida residents demand another chance to "change their votes," then residents in the Western States should demand the same. The announcement was made at 6:00 p.m. PST by Tom Brokaw that Gore had won Florida with only 5% of the vote in! How many Republicans decided not to go to the polls because of irresponsible one-sided reporting? Or how many people decided to cast their vote to third party candidates?
-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBB.vcom), November 08, 2000
It may be moot because Gore is mysteriously gaining votes in the recount. Of course this is completely irregular, they have all been saying that it never makes a significant difference. I just heard on msnbc that for west palm beach in the presidential election the difference was +800 for Gore and +108 for Bush. Yet the difference for the congressman in the district was +4 on one side and -3 on the other. Granted the presidential votes were 150,000 for bush and 290,000 for gore but the ratios of differences are on the order of 1/10 of 1% for bush, and 3/10 of 1% for gore. On the congressman the vote totals were in the 20,000 range and so the percentage differences are smaller by an order of magnitude. The person explained it by saying that they had to make sure that all of the holes were properly cleared on the ballots.If that is so, why would there be so many incompletely unopened holes on the presidential part of the ballots as opposed to the representative parts. This smells fishy.
-- William R. Sullivan (wrs@wham.com), November 08, 2000.
"How many Republicans decided not to go to the polls because of irresponsible one-sided reporting?"You are confused, VERY confused. The fact that the media called the state for Gore too early is what allowed Shrubya to catch up to him. You see, in the eastern half of the state the polls were closed. But the western half is in another time zone and the polls were still open. When they heard that Gore was winning, Republicans encouraged everyone on the western side to rush to the polls and vote for Shrubya. They probably even paid vagrants to go in there and vote. That is why it was withdrawn from Gore. You should consider yourself lucky that the media announced it too early. In fact, many suspect that this was all a planned conspiracy engineered by the Repugs with the assistance of Jeb Shrub.
-- (consider@yourself.lucky), November 08, 2000.
-- (gore.won@big.eastern.cities), November 08, 2000.
People in Hawaii were complaining about the early results in Florida! Without Bush winning Florida, they felt their votes were worthless.
-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBB.vcom), November 08, 2000.
Gore beat Bush in Hawaii by 56% to 38%. It wouldn't have mattered.
-- (Florida.determines.presidency@not.Hawaii), November 08, 2000.
A spokesman from the Republican party said that telemarketers left the campaign headquarters upon learning prematurely that Gore was the winner in Florida. They missed out on 3 hours of calling and campagining. Who knows if it could have made a difference? We'll never know, but it would make a good argument.
-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBB.vcom), November 08, 2000.
"A spokesman from the Republican party said"And you believe him?
The television news said that Republican goons were all over the place, stalling off the vote count and "finding" more ballots.
Why is it that Florida took so much longer? They still weren't finished collecting votes after the polls had been closed for several hours and most other states had theirs already counted.
-- (hold.on@more.ballots.coming), November 09, 2000.
Your right, we shouldn't believe anything we hear and only half of what we see. Everyone is a liar, trust no one.
-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBB.vcom), November 09, 2000.
A spokesman from the Republican party said that telemarketers left the campaign headquarters upon learning prematurely that Gore was the winner in Florida. They missed out on 3 hours of calling and campagining.Projections made by the media are just that, projections. Nobody puts a gun to anyone's head forcing them to either watch the poll results, or make their decisions based on them. If Republicans really did stop campaigning after hearing Gore win Florida, then they're only admitting to being stupid. I don't even understand why they would say that, Florida was called near the beginning of the race, there was still plenty of time to get out the vote in so many other states.
Gore himself was reportedly doing radio talk shows in any state that still had polls open, both when the media gave him Florida and then took it away. It didn't matter. As long as there are still polls open somewhere, there's always a chance to get more votes. If the Republicans didn't understand that, then that's they're problem.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 09, 2000.
that's they're problem.err.... their problem.
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 09, 2000.