ATI aiw 128 agp : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have the ATI aiw 128 32Mb card. I am able to create the VCD fine but am unsure of how to make the video look better. I have tried recording in many different formats but the output is always very blocky and distorted. Any tips for settings in the ATI MMC would be greatly appreciated.
-- Adam (, November 07, 2000
I have the same problem with the same video card. To get acceptable result, I use following parameters : Resolution : Half D1 352x480, Format : Mpg-2, Video Data Rate : 3000 Kbps, Frame : 25 fps.I know that this configuration isn't complient with video CD specifications. But the result is correct when you send video to a VHS band. You can note that result is corrupted when you play movie in full screen. So you can decrease PC resolution to 800x600 before play movie.
Best regards.
-- POLI HervC) (, November 08, 2000.