VOTER.COM FINAL SURVEY RESULTS! : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Latest Electoral Projection: Bush 232, Gore 207, 99 Too Close to Call

If you notice, they have picked Bush winning Ohio. No Rebublican President has ever won the White House without first winning Ohio!

Things are definately looking up for Bush!

BTW: Bush is also projected to win Al Gore's home state of Tennessee :-)

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 07, 2000


-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 07, 2000.

Not to throw a pin in your balloon, Ain't, but I never understood why Ohio was included in Zogby's Battleground states. It was never included in MY battleground states, as the polls have shown a Republican majority for months. I gave Ohio's 21 electoral votes to the Bush side MONTHS ago.

-- Anita (, November 07, 2000.

I gave Ohio's 21 electoral votes to the Bush side MONTHS ago.

Smart lady :-)

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 07, 2000.

Hey, can you give me the url for the election site you mentioned? I tried clicking on your link, but it keeps taking me to just the gif. of the election map.

-- JoseMiami (, November 07, 2000.

Hey, can you give me the url for the election site you mentioned?

Try This

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 07, 2000.

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