Bush Wins Vote in New Hampshire

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Tuesday November 7 1:06 AM ET

Bush Wins Vote in Tiny N.Hampshire Hamlet


DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee George W. Bush scored a symbolic victory Tuesday, capturing the vote in one tiny New Hampshire town that traditionally casts one of the first ballots in the U.S. election.

Voters in Dixville Notch voted just after 0001 EST on Tuesday, backing Bush over Gore by a margin of 21 to five, election officials said. Green Party nominee Ralph Nader got one vote, they said.

Located in New Hampshire's northern White Mountains, the town is a popular tourist destination and is happy for the publicity of being among the first to vote in presidential elections.

Dixville Notch and Hart's Location take advantage of a state election law that allows communities to close the polls after all registered voters have cast their ballots. Results were not immediately available for Hart's Location.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 07, 2000


Well since its all over, now I can vote for who I really want. Nader, not that loser Gore.

-- 4 years of Bush? (I'm@gonna.puke), November 07, 2000.

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