Gore Campaign Gets Out the Vote - "Cigarettes Distributed For Gore Vote"greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I like Drudge because he finds the stories I might otherwise miss - heres an amusing story from a Milwaukee TV station.Cigarettes Distributed For Gore Vote
-- David (David@bzn.com), November 06, 2000
WOW, Democraps are so compassionate. Free cancer sticks now folks; free treatment for your emphysema later.
-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), November 06, 2000.
Cool! When will they start handing out the joints?
-- (ready.for@legal.reefer), November 06, 2000.
Oh there cigarettes? Damn.Scratches head and walks away, in hopes of finding the 'real' thang.
-- consumer (shh@aol.com), November 06, 2000.
These volunteers were from out of state, acting on their own and this was not part of any official Democratic 'get out the vote' activity in Wisconsin. They have left the state and we will not invite them to return," wrote Susan Lagana, a spokeswoman for the Democratic Coordinated Campaign.
-- (put that in your pipe @nd.smoke it), November 06, 2000.
acting on their own and this was not part of any official Democratic 'get out the vote' activity in Wisconsin.No just what did you expect them to say after they were caught?
Think about it.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 06, 2000.
I knew Susan Lasagna when I lived in WI. She is one hot cheesehead mama.
-- Lars (lars@indy.net), November 06, 2000.
No just what did you expect them to say after they were caught?Perhaps "I was just doing it to protect my daughters." Followed by, "This is just an example of Republican last-minute dirty politics."
-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 06, 2000.
Acting on their own? I guess that means they were not part of the Gore campaign? Well, apparently they were:"It was unacceptable and the people who were involved are no longer working on behalf of the campaign,"' Gore spokesman Mark Fabiani said in a telephone interview.
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20001106/pl/election_naacp_dc_1. html
-- David (David@bzn.com), November 06, 2000.