How to play the other's record crrectly?? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hi folks: I am a new comer here.I like the old classic games very much. I downloaded some inp. files from this net. But I think I haven't get it run as they created. I use WinNT4.0 and mame3237b8,mame3235tg3,mame3237b7. The replay shows different in different verson of mame.and it shows the same in the same verson each time I play. Is the verson one of the problem? How can I get it work?I want to see some master's work.(I have already read the help page on this site and follewed.But still have problem) sorry for my poor english. :-)

-- bloodchen (, November 06, 2000


Unfortunatley if the master you want to see playback has recorded in "dos" mame in those versions you may have to find a computer that plays "dos" mame, i.e. win95 or win98 computer to get it to work.

It is always best to playback in the same format as was recorded, a recorded with m37b7 (dos) recorded with no sound, maybe ONLY be playbackable with m37b7.exe -playback inp.inp -soundcard 0

Luckily you can download the mame version for nearly every recording made here, but NT doesn't run dos mame (at least i don't know anyone that has gotten it to work.)

Which recording are you trying to get playback? If the score is old and colored "green" and not confirmed "orange", it may not be playbackable for anyone...

-- Chad (, November 06, 2000.

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