to see what went wrong--- |
VideoPack starts
to make your project it writes the data to a file called vv.scr.
(This is
in the temp directory of videopack) Do a search if you need to,
to find
it. Now open it in a decent text editor that displays a number
for each
line of text. Find the line number (entry point) VideoPack said
had an error
and that will tell you what VideoPack choked on. IE: Entry point
200 = line
200 of the vv.scr file. The error could be in an mpg entry point
OR you
forgot/improperly linked another source. As in a menu,
fix 3--- |
The most common problem is not having a sequence header before
every GOP
in your mpeg file. You can fix this by using tmpgenc
to demux and remux your mpg with the video cd/or/video cd
non-standard setting.
This usually fixes it by adding the sequence headers before
every GOP. |
When you have more than 1 mpeg in your project VideoPack likes
to sometimes
crash. (Bug) When you re-open your saved file it combines all
entry points
for all your mpegs. (Big pain in the butt) You have to go
through and delete
your mpeg entry points and start over. When you make your entry
points into
your mpeg(s), it is a good idea to write them all done somewhere
so if this
happens you don't have to start from scratch. After re-doing the
entry points,
try again. (To save cdr's you can just burn an image file to
check it
first. or use cdrw for testing.) |
Go back thru your project and make sure you simply didn't forgot
to link
a resc. properly. IE: A menu button to a mpeg file, etc.. (You
can see if
this is the case by viewing the vv.scr file. ---described
above in "What went wrong"--- |
Last but not least! I don't know how much experience you have
with VideoPack
but a "Tip of the day!" Right click in your project area and go
[desktop] and uncheck [show
menu routings] This will show an entire other
set of menu
routings you need to work with as well in your project.
Hope I helped! |