GORE MUD SLINGING IS WORKING! Bush up 2 points in the polls since yesterday according to USA Today!

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11/03/00- Updated 05:08 PM ET Presidential preference poll Friday's results: With less than a week to go, Texas Gov. George W. Bush's has increased his lead over Vice President Gore to 6 percentage points in the latest three-day average of USA TODAY /CNN/Gallup presidential tracking poll responses. Bush now leads Gore 48% - 42%. Bush's lead was 4 points yesterday.

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), November 03, 2000


See? There was no need for you to get all upset about this.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 03, 2000.

I think it is the anti-Bush people who are getting upset about this.

-- butt nugget (catsbutt@umailme.com), November 03, 2000.

Yeah, the Bush people just keep saying.. "fah-ged-abot-it".

-- LOL (when.will@bush.apologize?), November 04, 2000.

No, the Bush people are calling it a "dirty trick" and the poster of this thread was clearly upset about it.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), November 04, 2000.

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